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What are they even thinking? Me, falling in love for that insect? Pathetic.

The boy was trying to sleep as he gets these random thoughts into his head, his and others. He didn't turn or anything since he was too focused on canceling out the other thoughts. You were the first priority in his mind. Ever since his parents mentioned it, he kept on denying his parents, knowing that it wasn't true. Well, at least in his thoughts.

I'm only using her, so what's the point of trying to know her?

He takes the pencil up in the air that he picked out of your bag. It was one of your art utensils, and he thought it would be a good idea of what his future best friend's sister similarity likes to Hiroshi. Who knows? Maybe the two are very similar to each other. She does seem to have a few likings like Hiroshi, so the boy seems to find it good for the girl to have that. After all, she is the average boy's sister, and everything around him is exactly average.

Well, not exactly. Ever since that boy came by Hiroshi becoming a type of detective than the average type. An average boy would never get curious. Well, maybe if it's a big brother's duty to protect their sister. Wow, what a good relationship you and Hiroshi have. The boy admits that he's jealous about it.

But who is he jealous of?

The boy groans as he tries to go to sleep, knowing that his parents' thoughts were stupid as always.

You were walking to school with a small smile, something that Hiroshi noticed. He started to cry as he hasn't seen his sister smile out of nowhere.

Maybe her bully stopped hanging out of her?

"So, you had fun last night?" your brother asks.

You look up and nod with an agreeing hum.

"Anything exciting happened?"

You recall the memory of the boy being nice and smile a bit more, remembering that you thanked him for paying.

"Yeah," you smile, looking at the new keychain he also bought for you.

The keychain was a white cream cat's head with a cute smile like yours. On his right ear, it was black, just like the nose. You were glad that he was changing bit by bit, but it just seemed a bit off. He's never been so nice in just a week, so you had to be cautious with his actions. Maybe he realized he was going too far, but that was never him, right?

"I see you have a new keychain. Got it from the cafe?"

You hum in agreement.

"Someone gave it to me," you smile, looking back at the cute keychain.

"You got a friend?"

You groan quietly and shortly in a disgusting tone. Hiroshi laughs at your reaction.

"Then just someone random?"

"Well...," You look away, "Someone at school."

"Really? Can I meet them?"

"U-Uh, no!"

"Why not?" Hiroshi asks suspiciously.

"Uh- well-

"Hiroshi! How's it going?" a friend of Hiroshi call him out once you guys get behind school gates.

"I'm doing good," Hiroshi smile, "I'll get going now, okay, Cupcakes? You can take care of yourself, right?"

You nod, smiling.

"Go ahead," you say, "I'll be fine."

Hiroshi's hint of hesitance in his eyes came by before he went to his friends. His smile of worry came by when he went to his friends.

As for you, you sigh as you walk into the building of studies. You exchange your shoes and walk up the stairs. You were suspicious where the boy was. You needed to thank him for what happened yesterday. Again, he's barely done anything nice for you. He's not that type of person to do something nice for you, so you were always glad for him to do anything nice.

You flinch when you felt someone touch your shoulder. You turn your head to see who it was and widen your eyes.

"Hey, can we talk for a bit?"

The boy was walking around the school, trying to find you. He would use one of his powers, but it was just a good chance to get away from his 'friends.' He's always hated them. Every time he gets somewhere in a specific place, he always finds them cross his path and it always annoys him.

Luckily, today wasn't that day. He kept on pushing time back just to try and find you. His 'friends' thought he was just using the bathroom.

The boy went up the stairs to get on top of the roof. He heard a few voices and opened it up.

"I've seen you with my friend, Saiki, so I wanted to know more about you!" the blue haired girl smiled in happiness.

"Uhm...Who are you?" you nervously ask.

The girl seemed so beautiful that a beaming light surrounded her, alerting people to back away from the beauty of a goddess. It even made you scared to even talk to her.

"Oh! I totally forgot to introduce myself!" she chuckles, almost menacingly, "I'm Kokomi Teruhashi. Nice to finally meet you!"

"O-Oh, that's nice," you fiddle your fingers, "I have to go to class-

"But why so soon? We still have 20 minutes before school starts. Besides, I want to know more about my friend's friends."

"Friend's friends...?"

The blue haired girl, Teruhashi, hums in agreement.

"I want to know as much as possible from you. It never hurts to make a friend, right?"

If only I was in your position, that would be super easy.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't know what you're talking about," you step back, "I have to excuse myself. Thank you for your time-

"Can I at least know your name?"


The school bell rag before you could even speak your name. You were glad it rang right on time or else you would've been revealed, and the boy would severely punish you.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go now," you bow to your upperclassman, "Thank you for having my time."

You quickly leave the girl's bathroom and go back to your classroom, hoping that you weren't late for class.

You went out of the school as you heard everybody come outside of their class. Soon enough, someone touched your shoulder and you flinched. You turn around, knowing the boy doesn't like to jump scare you and soon realizing that it was that Teruhashi girl.

Please, get away from me.

"Hi, again! Do you want to have lunch with me?" she says as she pulls up her lunch up between you two.

"U-Uh, I'm sorry, but-

"Oh! Saiki! You're here!" The girl runs behind you as she goes for someone.

You turn around and eyes widening, you find the boy with the pretty, yet quite annoying girl.

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