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As another step by the school, you were in a calming silence with your brother. Hiroshi wanted to talk to you, but it seemed that you weren't up for it, and he let you be like a usual brother would.

Teruhashi found you again when you tried to get away from her. It was like she knew where you were just how he knew. It creeped you out again, but she was just a pretty girl who knew her ways in the school (all because of the help of her fan club.) Even though she's a beautiful girl, she was an annoying one, but at least she took you away from the boy with green glasses.

Speaking of him, you wondered where he was.

When Teruhashi dropped you off to your class like a nice friend does, you sat down to your seat and lay your head down, thinking where Hinata was. You know you aren't supposed to think of him, you couldn't help but your first friend in forever without his presence. Good or bad, you just wanted to see if he was okay or not.

Sadly, you got your hopes up too high as you heard your classmate's rumors about him.

"Have you heard about Hinata?"

"The new student from a month ago? Why? What happened?"

"Apparently, he got a huge hit last night and was sent to the hospital."

"Oh, gosh! Do you know why?"

"No, not a single trace of his attacker took anything from him. His attacker didn't even take his money or anything on him."

"Not even a single pencil?"

"Nothing. It seemed like it was an enemy's punch."

"But he just moved here. Who would give him that bad of a blow?"

"Who knows? We'll just have to figure it out if it is or not."

Your eyes tightly shut as tears threatened to fall. You knew why, but you didn't want to believe it. You walked up to the bathroom as you sit inside one of the toiletries. You breathe heavily as you wipe tears with tissue.

"N-No, it can't be. I stayed away from him, didn't I? Why is this happening to him?"

"You know why."

You flinch up as you turn around to see him in front of you, towering over you with crossed hands. His glares were force you to stay still, but your fear to shivers got the best of you. You look down to your shaking tight hands to the ripped tissue as it looked wobbled up to your tearful vision. You walk backwards and sit down again.

"W-Why? I-I s-stood away from him. I-I even blocked him from my life. W-What more do y-you want m-me to do."

He watches you weep for that disgusting insect. Why are you even crying for a boy who wasn't even supposed to be in this city? He thought it was pathetic of you to do such an emotional act for just one dumb human being.

𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 || 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now