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As you were quickly walking, Hiroshi was behind.

"Quickly, Hiroshi!"

"Wait up! I'm still putting on my shoes!"

"C'mon, or you're not going to meet him!"

"Okay, I will!"

When the both of you were at school, you were panting, but Hiroshi had to take deep breaths.

"I-- don't know why-- you had to run-- but we're literally-- thirty minutes-- early before-- school starts-- Oh, gosh-- when did you learn how to run so fast!" Hiroshi pants.

You take a water bottle out for your brother and open it for him.

"I really want you to meet him. He's very different," you say, "C'mon, let's find him."

As you two were walking around the school to try and find Saiki, you were about to lose hope for this plan.

"Not trying to be rude, cupcakes, but where's this friend of yours?" Hiroshi asks.

You start to seem nervous again as you grip on the ends of your sleeves.

"I-I'm sure he's around here somewhere. Usually, he's always here," you say.

"Well, maybe's he's sick."

"But he's never sick!"

"Everybody gets sick at a certain point, Y/n."

"I know, but it's rare of him to-- over there!"

You grab of hold onto your brother hand as you walk quickly up to him.

"H-Hey!" you tap on Saiki's shoulder.

He flinches and turns around to find you with your brother. Hiroshi has a confused face, Saiki's was in so much embarrassment, and you had a dedicated one.

"I-I want to introduce you to my brother, H-Hiroshi Sa-Satou."

Saiki only looks down on the average kid as the average kid gives a big brotherly glare at your friend.

"Yes, and who might you be?"

"T-This is-

"Senko Kuriko," Saiki says.

You gave him a confused face, but Saiki's eyes tell you to go along with it.

"Y-Yeah, Hiroshi, this is Senko Kuriko. Senko, H-Hiroshi," you introduce them to each other, "You two are in the same grade, so you should see each other quite a lot."

"Nice to meet you, Senko. I hope you've been taking care of my sister," Hiroshi says, putting his hand out for Saiki to shake.

Saiki malfunctions and looks at Hiroshi's hand and back to his face. Your brother gives a confused look at your friend and quirks his head. Trying to find a good excuse, you wrap a hand around your brother's arm.

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