☕ 𝟎𝟒𝟔 ☕

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You were at school cleaning up the mess in that classroom. You were almost finished, you just had to clean up the desks and chairs back all together. As you were, you found a desk with smeared dried blood. You put your hands over it as you remember what happened. You remember the traumatic scene as you backed away. You flinched when you touched the wall and turn around, knowing that it wasn't him, but it still made you terrifyingly cautious about who walked up behind you.

He's not here anymore. Don't worry about it. 

You talk deep breaths just like how Satou told you. Soon calming down, you started to wash of the faint blood on the desk's corner, hoping that you don't recall the memories. As you tidy up the desk, you smile at how accomplished you feel. It looked like those high-quality anime movies with such clean classrooms. Maybe it was because you were, but let's just leave that to you, our reader, who's stupid enough to read this story.

As you heard the bell, you go back to your classroom as the narrator was still thought you were still quite stupid to think that you could get some appreciation from a toxic bully, but this is the author's story, so there's no shame of showing how the reader and the author are disgustingly desperate for someone despite how you have zero chance to date anyone with that ugly face-

As you wait for your brother, you wave your friends a goodbye and tell them to have a great weekend. Despite being a narrator who hates this job, you finally found your brother walking out with his friends as he also waves a bye to them. As he switches his school shoes to his sneakers, you walk up to him. He stands up and smiles.

"Ready to go?" he asks.

You hum in agreement while walking back home. As you were thinking about what happened back in the classroom, Satou realized your noticeable sad face.

"Did something happen today?" Satou asks.

"W-What? No, not really," you look ahead of you, "Is it noticeable?"

"A bit," Satou pinches his fingers.

You just sigh.

"Was it bad?" he asks.

"A bit."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really."

"Okay," Satou says, "Want to meet up with the cats? It is our siblings' fun day."

You look up with a beam of happiness in your eyes.

"C-Can we?"

Satou only laughs at how cute you react and nods.

"Of course!"

Rubbing Candy's head, you smile at the way she purrs like a kitten should. It was so cute and dainty that you thought your head was going to sprinkle rainbows and cupcakes. You hear the worker give the cats their food as a specific place in the cafe. Cottage calls her child for food before Candy stretches and rubs her head on your arm before going to her mother. You smile as you watch them eat up.

𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 || 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now