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Coughing again, Hiroshi dabs the towel on your head. You breathe heavily as you felt like you were going to die of heat. He could tell that you were going to burst out soon enough. He hears the microwave beep as he looks out your door. He stands up as he lays the folded towel on your forehead.

"I'll be back with your dinner, Y/n," Hiroshi says.

When Hiroshi left you on the bed, you heard someone come up to you. Opening your eyes, you see Saiki above you. He kneels down as you slowly turn your head to him while breathing heavily. He removes the towel and touches your forehead, feeling a really hot sensation behind the back of his hand.

"You need to go to the hospital," Saiki says.

You shut your eyes as you turn your head back to the ceiling.

"I'll be fine," you whisper before coughing.

"You seem sicker than most people," Saiki says as you continue to cough.

Coughing more and more, Saiki realized this wouldn't stop. So, he panicked and put his palm over your mouth. You grab his wrist as you try to cough for air.

"Breathe," Saiki says above you.

Your eyes were getting watery, and you only continued to go. You could tell he was seriously in concern for you. Well, you were sick, so it could've been your imagination, right?

"Just breathe," Saiki says.

Trying to follow what he said, you try to take deep breaths through the continuous coughs. Actually working, your coughs seemed to decrease as your throat felt a bit better. Your eyes followed his as he stared at yours.

Finally taking deep and slowly breaths, Saiki lifts his hand off your mouth as there were saliva that were making strings. You take a few huge breaths as the strings retract from each other. Saiki looks at his hand before your lips, and then you. You watched how he act but didn't really pay attention. You just thought of your coughing savior.

"Thank you," you mumble more clearly.

Before Saiki could even say anything, the both of you heard footsteps. Quickly, you look at your closet as Saiki went to go hide in there. You watch your brother come in with ramen in his hand, your favorite one. You weakly smile as if nothing just happened in here.

"Are you okay? I heard you coughing," Hiroshi says.

You fake another cough just to wipe the saliva off your face as you nod.

"Yes, I'm okay," you say, glancing at the closet.

"That's good," he says, sitting back on the chair as he sets the ramen on your nightstand, "Can you sit up for me?"

"I think," you say as you successfully sat up by your own. It took a lot of strength from you. Even Hiroshi could tell by how your arms were shaking terribly.

𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 || 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now