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"Okay, I'm back," you say as you walk down the stairs.

"Y/n, is it true that Hinata was your bully?" Hiroshi makes a very concerned, yet scary face.

"H-Huh?" You look at your brother before looking at Saiki, giving off a secret smirk, "What do you mean?"

"Y/n, I'm asking you if Hinata was the one bullying you," Hiroshi seriously responds again, "So, is it true?"

"No! W-Why would you say th-that?" you start to get frantic, wondering why Saiki would say that.

"Y/n, I know when you lie and when you don't. Please, just tell me the truth," Hiroshi says.

"B-But I'm not!" you turn to Saiki in quite furry, "Why would you lie to him like that?"

"But I'm not, am I?" Saiki gives the lifted eyebrow as he sips his water, "We can't hide this from your brother for long. He needs to know."

"But-- ha?" you look back at your brother and then to Saiki, wondering what to say, "Hiroshi, what he's saying is false. I already reported on who bullied, so you don't have to worry who it is."

"Is that why Hinata had to move?" Hiroshi started to get more suspicious.

"N-No! That's not what I'm saying! I-It was not and never Hinata, Hiroshi! W-W-Why won't you j-ju-just believe me?" you turn to Saiki, "And you, stop making lies."

"Lies? I think you're getting delusional, Y/n," Saiki says.

"Hey," Hiroshi glares at your bully.

"Sorry. No offense," Saiki responds, "But, Y/n, aren't you tired of hiding this from your brother?"

"It's true, then," Hiroshi says.

"No! It n-never was, Hiroshi! You stop making up these lies, Saik-

"Enough," Hiroshi says, "I know you would lie, but I didn't know you would try and hide this from me. I can't believe he and I actually tried to find who the bully was when it was him all along."

"That's what I'm trying to say. He isn't! It's actually--

"Why don't you get some rest, Y/n. It seems that you're just irritated today," Saiki says as he gets up, "Is it okay for you to get the dishes?"

"Of course," Hiroshi says, smiling caringly, "I think you're just stressed, Y/n. That's all."

"C'mon, Y/n. I think you just need a day off," Saiki says as he pushes you up the stairs, forcing you to play along.

When your door was shut, you look at your bully and threw him a pillow. Of course, he caught it, but how it felt so good to throw something at him, but so painful for him to catch it without even looking at it coming.

𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 || 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now