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You were putting your school shoes in your locker as you were becoming aware of a certain someone. Closing the locker, you felt something drop on your shoulders. You quickly turn around who it was. It was an old friend of yours. The only you used to hang out with almost every day.


"Hey, Y/n! How've you been?" she asks, "I've realized that you quit Art Club. Why did you?"

You look around if he was there, but soon knowing that he would be there at any moment if you didn't say anything.

"I-I'm sorry, Maki, but I have to go-

"Wait!" Makii grabs onto your arm.

"L-Let go of m-me!" you cry.

"What's wrong, Y/n? You've been acting strange for the past few months. You won't answer my calls or texts, you don't talk to me and the others, and you quit Art Club. You even stopped calling me on first name basis. What's going on?"

"Maki, let me go right now. I can't let y-

"What's going on?" The two of you turn to the voice.

You throw back your own arm as you quickly walk over him. You look at the boy with worry and sadness that you got so frightened for her. You look back at her, using your scared eyes as a warning to stay away from her or else something bad will happen.

"N-Nothing. L-Let's go," you say as you start to walk.

The boy felt something warm in his hands as he was being tugged gently to walk with you. Maki only looked at her friend who used to be full of joy, but now full of sadness.

"What happened to you, Y/n," Maki says, "You were never like this."

You stop from your position as the boy only glared at the other girl.

"I'm sorry, but we have to go now," you say as you continue to walk away from her.

As you walk back home, you didn't hear the boy call you out. So, he pushed you at a gate and made you focus on only him. You couldn't see him well, so you tried to squint. You felt parts of your cheeks a bit cold due to the tiny wind that was invisible to the dry skin.

"Hey, I'm asking you a question," he says.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry," you say as you rub the tears away.

"Geez, here," the boy says as he hands a handkerchief, "If your brother sees you like this, then he'll think I did it. Hurry up and wash yourself with this."

You do as you were told and give him back the handkerchief, but he refuses.

"Just keep it. I know you're going to need it more than I do."

You clench onto the cloth as you bring it closer to you.

"Where's your brother?"

"He has cleaning duty today, so he told me to go without him," you say.

"Hm, let's go then," he says.

You nod before walking to your house. You two finally arrived at your destination as you were being watched walking up the gate. Touching the handle, you turn around and bow in front of the boy.

"T-Thank you for today!" you say.

The boy didn't respond as he only looked at you.

"Don't bother. You were just stupid to even realize what you were doing. Besides, we're in public, so I can't do that, or else people will be suspicious around us," he says, "Now, go inside so you and I can talk more of the plan."

"O-Okay," you say.

As you two entered inside your house, you two went into your room. You and him in one house was always the creepiest and scariest experience you ever had. You still do. Having to stay in the same room with him is your nightmare that you had to live almost every day.

"Sit on the couch. You have explaining to do."

You knew what he meant, and you told him.

"Her name is Maki Shiiko. She's the same year as I am. She was my friend when we were in grade school, but soon stopped after...I quitted the Art Club," you say, "I broke apart from her immediately, so that's why she came up to me. I'm sorry for what happened today. I'll do better."

You make a small bow again, because you still felt grateful for what the boy did today. He was quite nice to you today, but you can't put your hopes up too high. He can snap at you within any second by now.

"Didn't I tell you not to thank me? You're always clumsy and it irritates me that you can't even follow my simple orders," he continues, "But that Maki girl, we need to do something about her. She'll become a distraction if she keeps on continuing this."

You nod, knowing it's wrong.

"Hm, we can kill her."


"Shut up. You heard me right."

"C-Can't we do s-something el-

You felt a painful sensation on your cheek.

"Who told you you could talk back to me?" he says.

You made a big mistake again. Before you could even look at him, you felt a harsh tug on your head and saw your eyes were closer to his.

"Answer the question," he demanded.

"N-No one! Please, let me go! I d-didn't mean t-to!" you whimper.

He only stares at you for a little while more before he throws your head away from his. Smirking, the male saw your hair block your dreaded expression as your eyes filled with tears again. If you weren't crying every day, then you were sobbing uncontrollably.

"Look at you, full of fear and tears. All I wanted was your help, but you just couldn't make it easy for the both of us," he says, "What an ungrateful insect. I actually had the courage to actually become less strict to you today. What a mistake I made today.

"Tonight, we'll talk about the plan and that's final."

He leaves you as tears on your face began to fall down in shock.

Happy new year, everyone!!!

𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 || 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now