Prologue Part-Four

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"My Lady are you okay? Do you need anything?" Nezha says in a worried voice.

"The nobles really screwed themselves." Stella says clenching her fist.

"What-ah Lady Roslin..." Nezha says trailing off

Back during the retreat 

"Where the hell did they get this army!?" Stella says through gritted teeth.

"My lady I can travel by myself." Nezha says while being carried by Stella

Stella ignores Nezha's comments as a blaster bolt strikes her back. She turns around and sends a magical slice back killing the pursuing soldiers. But as she turns around she notices Roslin cloaked in an alley way. Stella dives into the alley way stopping inches away from Roslin.

"Why are you here!?" Stella shouts

"Please don't hurt me! I'm on your side!" Roslin says shaking

Stella remembers that Roslin doesn't know she's she-ra. She then puts Nezha down and transforms into her real self.

"Roslin why are you here! It's too dangerous for you to be here!" Stella shouts grabbing Roslin's shoulders.

"Stella? Your alive!" Roslin says embracing Stella.

"Yes i am alive but we both won't be for long if we don't get out of here!" Stella says looking around

"No no Stella listen. The emperor called a meeting of all the nobles and since i am heir to the dukedom i participated as well. He told us that the rebels will be wiped out because of weapon that the horde gave them before the fall of prime. I was able to use my connections to learn more and its a machine that makes clones! All those soldiers are just cloned soldiers!" Roslin says panicking 

"Thank you for the infomation but you need to hide! I can't protect you!" Stella says

"I don't need anyone to protect me! I am a pure blood after all." Roslin says

"i know your naturally strong but our plan was leaked most likley by a noble. The rebels will want blood after so sorry...." Stella says through gritted teeth. 

Stella not being able to look into roslin's eyes focuses her sight to the ground until Roslin use her hand to gently lift her head to meet each other eyes. Stella stiffens in shock and other emtions as she see's Roslin with a bright smile.

"Its okay. I will help all i can from my side. Take care of her okay." Roslin says turning to Nezha.

Stella curses before grabbing Nezha fleeing.

Back to campsite. 

Stella sits on a rock with Nezha standing behind her over looking the camp. More and more rebels pour in covered in injures and carrying the dead. While she sits there as time passes more and more rebels begin to talk and connect the dots. Concluding the only way the nobles would know our plan was because the lower nobles rated us out. They began yelling towards Stella demanding an answer, demanding blood, demanding all the nobles heads on spikes. Stella stands up raising her hand silencing the crowd.

"I hear your voices, I understand your pleas. We all know why this attack failed, we tried to extend a hand towards the very people that enslaved us. We tried to find some kind of good within them but we all knew deep inside our hearts that there was nothing but malice within there hearts. We will muster our forces once more and like the endless tides we shall rise up again. But this time! When we storm the capital, there will be no mercy! No kindness! The streets shall be stained with the blood of nobles. All will die!" Stella shouts her voice echoing throughout out the campsite.

All the rebels shout "Death to the Nobles! Death to the Noble!" 


Back to the present. 

"Throughout out that entire speech I wanted to vomit. I felt myself dying thinking about the future, I...This world is truly cruel you know." Stella says looking at Mermista sit in the emperors throne.

"You really cared about Roslin?" Mermista asks

"Yes. Throughout the years of mustering our forces I often met up with her in the outskirts of the city and each time a little bit of myself died." Stella says her voice shaking

"Please continue I need to hear the rest." Mermista says

"Why? We've been here for some time and you've been listening to this story patiently. Why?" Stella says

"You've all struggled for so long to be free and now when its within your grasp another threat comes and threatens everything. I need to know if the blood that's being spilled right now is worth it. Catra speaks of peace but I ask myself if peace can really be built on a foundation of death. But we trusted her with leading us so i must trust in her vision." Mermista says wavering but then her voice turning resolute.

"I see, so you feel guilty and still intend to press forward. But you need a sense of punishment so you listen to this story and ingrain it within your mind. if Nezha was here she would say that you are a truly kind person." Stella says 

"Honestly most of the time I am not so serious but I truly respect your people's struggle so please continue." Mermista says


With our forces weakened we burrowed underground, focused on training the rebels into real soldiers. Used the knowledge i Acquired to start building our first space ships, Manufacture weapons, shields, vehicles, tunnel networks connecting to other camps. 

Stella stands on ridge overlooking their new camp to see organized rebels training, marching, and exercising with extreme discipline.  That's when Nezha walks up to her side.

"Report." Stella says

" More slaves have been found and recruited and connects have been made with the group calling themselves the free states. Negotiations are being set up,  We no longer have a shortage of weapons, We have half the ships constructed for a counter attack. they are being stored in the Kephri trench.  Another group has been found but I don't recommend meeting them." Nezha reports

"IS something wrong with their group?" Stella asks

"They seem rather radical and have formed a cult around a sea monster that supposedly lies deep under ground. I don't see a way to form an alliance with them. Considering they sacrifice anyone no matter they are slave or pure blood." Nezha says

"I don't plan on negotiating with anyone." Stella says

"What do you mean?" Nezha says confused

"I will use my charm ability to force them to cooperate with me." Stella says

"Does your charm work that long?" Nezha asks

"I can either totally have the, under my control or suggest ideas that make them think it was there own. I just need time so I can permanently place an Idea in there mind. After that i can use them as i wish." Stella says

"Then I shall arrange a meeting for you then." Nezha says stepping away

"Its almost time. I little more and i can rest." Stella says walking away. 

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