War-Part two

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"Ma'am they've smashed through the blockade! We have carriers boarding us! The hanger needs assistance!" One of the observers shouts.

"Vice admiral your in charge, I'll clear the hanger." Spinerella says

"Ma'am are you sure?" She asks

"Of course, I don't know the first thing about leading an army but I do know how to fight." She says with a smirk running out of the room.

Spinerella focuses her power on her feet and with each step she takes a mini tornado appears from beneath her feet.

Within minutes she's at the hanger level. She peeks around the corner to see several etherian workers pinned down by argoians forces. Without hesitation she propels herself forward and blasts the nearest enemies back.

"Princess!?" The workers shout

"Go I'll cover you!" Spinerella shouts

She propels herself forward, blowing away another squad of argoians. As she looks around she sees squads of enemies unloading from two dozen ships.

"How could this many slip past our defense!?" Spinerella says to herself.

She flys towards one of the ships docking and blasts it out of the hanger.
She channels her power into her hand and forms a small ball of wind. Another squad of argoians run up to her firing their blasters.
Feeling the change in wind around her she dodges them easily and throws a compressed ball of wind and as it hit an enemy it blasts everyone in a wide area.

She continues dodges when she feels a intense pain in her upper arm. At first it was like needles but then escalated into a searing burn. She turns her head to see her arm burned with cauterized blood. Gritting her teeth she creates a wind barrier around her using her power she pulls the titanium alloy plating from the floor and has them surround herself like shields.

Looking around she notices that shes being surrounded.

"When did so many board the ship!?" Spinerella says her voice straining.

Feeling a buzz in her ear she notices that her com unit has been muted. She press a button on her arm and a voice breaks through.

"Princess! Thank god you turned it on, you need to get out of there! Your reinforcements have been cut off. They've breached the ship on multiple levels!" The vice admiral shouts.

"What!? What's happening?" Spinerella shouts using her power to rip more plating from the ground and uses her wind to press the plating around her like a dome.

"Princess there attempting to breach the command room...I'm sorry princess.  Protocol white glove has been engaged. Take one of the ships and leave." The vice admiral says.

"White glove? What's that? No you know what I'm coming to you right now!" Spinerella says frantically.

"A protocol Catra put into place to stop the enemy from learning about us and our technology. It wipes all data from the ship and starts the self detonation process. You have five minutes." The vice admiral says her voice shaking. Then suddenly a loud boom is heard on the comms. Following that a series of laser fire and screams before the comms are cut off.

"No..." spinerella says her eyes watering.

"No!" She screams

As she does the plating scatters hitting the argoians that had surrounded her. She uses her power to make her lower half a tornado and thrusts herself up into the air. Her eyes glowing she raises her hands in the air. The air around her starts picking up rapidly until smaller sized tornados start forming. Launching soldiers around her into walls and crates.

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