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During the night I heard shouting coming from outside. Following that was the sound of blasters and screams then silence. That was two days ago.

Whatever happened during that night led to the room being illuminated poorly by a barley hanging bulb. It gave me a chance to clearly see my surroundings. The cages seem to line the walls in a rectangle shape. Most of the cages are empty with the exception of ours and the old man's next to us. Ash seems to be failing better but her condition is still unstable, the poor condition this room is in isn't helping. The cage is rusted, the floor, ceiling, and walls are in a similar state. Clearly this was a personally modified in fact I recognize horde tech scattered throughout the ship.

But back to the problem at hand Ash. Without the sun or actual food her regeneration can't heal her completely. I only have enough magic to fight for one minute. I'll have to some how kill eveyone board under a minute..I can do it.

"I'm going to break out and free us!" Merry shouts standing up in proclamation.

"Impossible." The old man says

As if feeling the impact of his words she falls to her knees in defeat.

"Not even a single word of encouragement?" Merry says with a sigh.

"Of course not, I'm not in the business of getting children killed." He says adamantly.

"One minute is plenty of enough time to break out and take over the ship." She says confidently standing back up.

She smirks while she prepares to bust the cage open.

"Okay then how are you stop the shock collar from killing you when you touch the cage?" He questions

"I'll just destroy the collar! Along with freeing both of you as well." She says

"Then you break out and your free, what then? Your free with a cripple and decrepit old man. Now what?" He snaps back.

"Easy I sneak my way out while you carry Ash behind me. I'll get us near a window of some kind and bam! She gets energy from the sun and is all healed up. We quickly fight our way to the cockpit, despatch the gaurds while also sabotaging the doors so the rest of the crew can't reach us." She says

"One question where is the cockpit? What about the gaurds outside? Won't they hear a cage being torn open? What if were not near a star? Most importantly do you know how to fly this Starcraft?" He retorts raising his voice.

"Thats...thats... more than one question!" She shouts back.

"Just shut up and sit down kid! You'll only get all of us killed." He says lowering his voice.

"I...you...haaa... so in the end I'm useless after all." She says slumping next to a sleeping Ash.

"Just worry about your friend for now kid." He says

"You just don't get it..." she says halfheartedly

"What?" He says

"You just don't understand! This was my first time leading a mission! A mission that her majesty...my mom assigned to me! I screwed up the landing got my ally and myself captured. Oh yeah let's not forget about most likely being sold to horde. I just screwed everything up.." she says in frustration.

"hm sounds like your mom is a terrible mother and a even worse leader." He says

Merry's eyes widen before turning and snarling at the old man.

"Do not talk about her like that! She didn't do anything wrong!" She says glaring at the old man.

"Huh? From everything you've told me since we've been here she's sent her only daughter on a dangerous mission that happens to be in a war zone. A child who hasn't even graduated from being a cadet mind you. While also placing the burden of leadership on your shoulders. Sounds like a terrible mother to me." He says

"She didn't want too...we are just spread to thin. Catra loves me and she is an amazing leader." She says looking downcast.

"All I'm hearing is excuses. Tell me child how did such a person become leader of your people?" He says curiously

"That's a good idea! Then you'll realize how wrong you are." She says


"That....is..." he says with a baffled expression.

"See-" she says before being interrupted.

"All I've heard these last few hours are the acts of a child." He says in shock.

"What?" She says confused.

"Your people forced a child who barley was able to heal and understand herself to lead. She desperately defended her home and won. I admit she has a brilliant mind and yet all she's done since then is attack anything that comes near it like a injured animal. She lost people who she loved and lashed out, conquering and expanding her Domain. She committed genocide to show her power, like a wounded animal backed into a corner. You all let this happen? No. More like all of you experienced the same pain, Her council are just as wounded and because of that all of you have tunnel vision. 

Like a broken record you all say we must sharpen the sword to show others we are not to be messed with. Yet did any of you think of the fear such sword would inspire You claim to attack the horde because they are a threat and yet from my perspective it seems that Etheria is now the next horde."
He says

"We are nothing like them!" She snarls

"Really? Chipping people to force them to fight. Conquering worlds? Committing genocide? Are you really so blind to the truth that you cannot see the other races taking up arms to go against you! Your leader Catra is letting her emotions control her, she declares vengeance and yet masks it as a holy crusade to avenge She-ra! Now she loses her daughter ripping open a barley healing wound. I wonder what terror she is showing to galaxy in her agony." He says voice full of pity.

"We trying to help people! We're giving them safety they hail her as savior!" She shouts

"Oh? Maybe after you conquered them but at first didn't they fight with all their might? All the galaxy knows is that Etheria is taking world after world consuming everything in its path. The very sword you sharpen for defense now makes all those trembles and unite in one cause. To destroy you even if it means siding with the horde." He says laughing

"I...i..-" She says opening her mouth yet no words manage to squeak out.

The door suddenly opens they to see spike enter.

"Its true kid. The Etherian Empire is terrifying so terrifying in fact I had no choice but to organize a coup." Spike says kneeling before Merry.

"I killed my best friend since childhood because he thought we could get away with selling you. I apologize for your treatment. Please spare us when she comes for you." Spike says prostrating before her.

The words of the old man echo in her mind before cementing themselves deeper into her mind. Before a single question fills her mind. "We're the good guys right?"

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