Diplomatic encounters

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"Catra she's almost an adult, merry can take care of herself." Alpha says

"That's not the point, she shouldn't have to risk her life like this." Catra says sighing

"This is the reason why I suggested you two create some distance from one another. Your becoming to dependent on her." Alpha says

"I am not." Catra growls

"Oh really? Just the mention of her possible death sent you into a tantrum." Alpha says

"Excuse me I did not throw a tantrum. I asked nicely to not be left out of the loop during her mission." Catra says with a shocked expression.

"So refusing to attend the summit you've been invited too just because I wanted to separate you two isn't called throwing a tantrum. Haaa...Catra listen I get it I really do. You love her and care for her but you have to realize that being dependent on someone never ends well for you." Alpha says empathizing with her.

"That's the thing Alpha you don't! With Adora gone there was hole in my heart that I never thought would heal. But then I found her...or maybe she found me, whatever the case was she healed me...saved me. I admit that losing Adora made me crazy for a while but I'm better now and I won't lose control again." Catra says quickly

"I know how you feel i do! I feel the gut wrenching anxiety and fear in your Heart. Because I feel it too whenever your close to death, whenever your in a downward spiral, I have felt it ten times no hundred times harder than you because before recently I had no body. All I could do was sit there and watch you get hurt. You made me this way! Catra...I trust you, I really do so please when I tell you that you two need some time apart please trust that I am doing  it in your best interest." Alpha says pleading before her.

Catra's eyes widen, she tries to speak multiple times before her face tinged a slight red as she shields her face.

"That's cheating...okay I get it." Catra says letting out a breath.

The double doors at the entrance to the bridge of ship opens. Perfuma walks in and takes a seat in a chair that raises from the floor next to Catra.

"Catra I have a question, why isn't there a garden room in this ship?" Perfuma says

"Um because this is starship that is equipped for battling not gardening." Catra says taken off gaurd.

"You should really have garden made its relaxing." Perfuma says playing with a flower she made.

"Wait do you have a garden in your ship?" Catra says confused.

"Of course! How else am I supposed to keep my center if I don't even have that." Perfuma says as if it's the most natural thing in the world.

"I know I gave you ladies free reign over your starships so I won't question that. But don't expect my ship to have one." Catra says

"Not even a meditation room?" Perfuma says aghast.

"Not even a meditation room." Catra says snickering

"It looks I know what your getting for your birthday! Haa...anyway are you okay? You seem off to say the least." Perfuma says warmly

"I'm fine its just Alpha says embarrassing things." Catra says

"Are you worried about Merry?" Perfuma says

"Guh..how'd you know?" Catra says

"Because I am too, we sent kids on an S class mission. Of course you'd be worried, on top of that we had to send your daughter." Perfuma says

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