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"Admiral Lionett relief supplies have been disturbed world wide and outposts for our bots have been established. Approval of our forces have been going up and lastly Admiral Frosta requests to be relieved of rest duty." An officer says

"Good, good, and good. As for Frosta tell her until the cracks on her skin heal she is bedridden." Lionett says

"Yes ma'am." The officer says saluting.

Lionett waves him off to dismiss him, she looks around the new relief outpost that was created and happens to notice Elder Chelone teach young children about Ki. The old turtle make slow and deliberate movements while explaining how to summon Ki. Lionett intrigued decides to sit a little ways away.

"To summon or rather unlock your Ki. One must be of sound mind and body. Clear away any unnecessary thoughts. Focus on creating a path away throughout your body the flow of power must be naturally and cannot be obstructed. Are there any questions so far?" Elder Chelone says

No one raises their hands with the exception of Lionett who stands up and walks over.

"Can anyone learn Ki?" Lionett asks

"Unfortunately no only those who are born on this planet can use Ki. In the average person they have veins that spreads blood throughout the body. We also have this but also have what is called meridians. It is a system which allows us to use Ki. We beastkin are born with it. Only after extensive training can ine awaken it although as you can see me and the chiefs are the last. It is why I am so adamant about teaching you all." Elder Chelone says as he gets back into teaching.

Lionet sits down and listen to the rest of the session. After completing her duties she takes a walk and sits on a overhang looking over the outpost.

"Is something the matter?" Alpha says

"I'm to weak. I let the kid fight that monster alone. What hurts most is that I don't even know if I could have even helped. I'm supposed to be Catra's second someone who is strong and dependable. But Frosta got hurt using her new powers while I let the leader get away. How pathetic am i." Lionett says kicking a rock out of frustration.

"Its not your fault. Besides Frosta and the other Queens are tied to a Runestone. They all have been experiencing changes fo their powers. When on Etheria they essentially have no limit to the amount of power they can use. You don't have runestone, you have limits and you've pushed those limits pretty far already. You can't expect to keep up with them. Before you saying anything Catra is an exception. She is partially linked to the Black Garnet and The Power stone. Even with all that she to has limits remember that." Alpha says

Lionet takes a deep breath.

"Your right. But that doesn't mean I can't train." Lionett says

Lionett takes a stance and closes her eyes remembering Elder Chelone movements during the lesson. She thinks back and perfectly copies each move then makes them faster to suit her combat style while also making adjustments as she see's fit. She continues doing this untim dusk.

"Argh dammit. I'll try it once." Lionett says looking around to see If anyone is watching her.

She sits down in a meditative pose. She takes a deep breath. Minutes go by...minutes seem to turn to hours then what feels like days until Lionett stands up I  frustration.

"Gah! Dammit I can't sit still." She looks at her Data pad to see only an hour as past.

"Ugh, I should sleep on it." Lionett says scratching her head when she hears shallow breathes behind her then feels intense bloodlust.

Lionett instantly shiffs into her full beast state.

"They must got behind me when I was meditating! This bad! I'll strike first, one clean attack!" Lionett thinks to herself.

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