War- Part Five

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King Micah walks over the bridge that connects to the Moonstone. He sits beneath the Moonstone and focuses. He closes his eyes and takes a breath. Then he opens his eyes to find himself on Etheria's first moon Lumaris. He stand before a women made of glass with the MoonStone protruding from her chest. No facial or body features aside from her curves.

"Its been a long time Micah. Well in human terms that is." The Moonstone says her voice gentle

"Yes it has, forgive me for not talking to you sooner. I was preoccupied for a quite some time." King Micah says in a tone like that of meeting a old friend for the first time in while.

"Hm I suppose I can forgive you. Since you are the only one I can talk to." The MoonStone says

It raises its hand extending a finger drops of liquid drip from her finger then start to form a sliver table and chairs.

"What about your brothers and sisters?" King Micah responds and sits down.

"I would prefer not to talk to them, they are always so dull. Well actually my brother the one you call the Black Garent made a connection with an Etherian. He's told me she's quite amusing." She says

"What? Scorpia?....no is it Catra?" He says curiously

"Ah yes Catra was her name. Please do tell her to wary of much Dark magic she uses. It can corrupt her Black Garnet." She says with hints of concern.

"I will thank you. But the reason I'm here isn't to talk I'm afraid. Please lend me your power." He says bowing.

"Hmm even with your daughter not on Etheria she still is connected to me. Hmm very well since were old friends and I know I can trust you. Here take this orb and clench it to your chest. " she says

King Micah takes it does as she says, as he does he starts to feel energy build up within his body. King Micah snaps back go reality, in pain he falls to the floor clutching his chest. He looks up and light flashes through his eyes and mouth then stops. The pain no longer there he feels energetic.

"I'm sorry your majesty but the enemy forces are here. Your needed in the war room." An officer says

Dusting himself off and taking a breath he walks to the war room.

"What's the situation." He says

"6,000 troops are almost at our walls. Our bombardments are wearing them down." An officer says

"Wait till they reach our walls, then have our sorcerers rain fireballs down. Have the non-sorcerers use bows to suppress them. Have half of the soldier bots positioned outside the gate. The rest can create a shield wall behind the gate. If the gate is breached I will hold them back while everyone else cleans them up." He orders.

With their orders everyone scatters to their positions. King Micah walks to balcony over looking the front gate. In admists the enemies bland sliver armor is a gold plated individual.

"If the information the other fronts said are true then that one has regeneration abilities.
Cauterizing the wounds prevent regeneration. There is also a unspecified number of times they fan regenerate. From the limited encounters they had it seems they easily provoked and have immense pride. If I challenge him to a duel he'd most likely accept...no I'm much more effective fighting clusters of enemies." As he talks to himself the enemy begin to charge the defending soldier bots.

The soldier bots are effective at stalling them but are easily over powered by the enemies strength. One of the lead sorccer signals his hand and combing their magic power they launch several giant masses of fire at the enemy. Upon impact a resounding  boom echoes. A dozen enemies are torn asunder by the blast and intense heat.
King Micah constrates focusing his magic into his staff, opening his eyes they glow white. He brings his staff down and lighting strikes an enemy position. But not just one dozens of lighting strikes begin ripping the enemy forces apart. They look up to see a massive thunder cloud above them. The metal in their armor turns against them as they are targeted in mass.

His eyes return to normal as he exhales.

"Thank you Lumaris." He says releasing the last of runestone magic for the day.

He starts run to the battlements but a officers calls in over the comms.

"Sir there retreating!"

"What? That can't be right they still have half their troops." He says

"One our men used his translator and picked up one of them saying the Queen is in danger." An officer says

"It must be Catra, quick send pursuits teams we can't let them regroup!" King Micah says.


"Come on! Who's next!?" Frosta shouts her ice lance soaked in blood.

"Princess Frosta that was the last one. Everyone on the ship is dead." A officer nervously reports.

Frosta growls her as her eyes look out the window at the nearest enemy ship with wild hunger.

"Were going to board that one next!" She says running back to a ship.

"There are now orders! You are to assist Hordak in his assault of the golden Armada." He says

"Hopefully they put up more a challenge than these pathetic soldiers if you can even call them that." She says spitting at the corpse.


"Sir Princess Frosta has begun her attack on the gold armada. She's left her vie admiral in charge while she boards the enemy flag ship." The vice admiral says.

"What? Dammit notify Catra that she has runt on her way. How is the operation shock and awe going?" Hordak says

"All that's left is the command ship and its escorts." The vice admiral says

"Hm I've lost over 60% of my forces...order all reserve bots to boarding crafts. We need those escorts ships taken out." Hordak says


"What do you mean Frosta's on her way? Why isn't she supporting the blockade!?" Catra says killing an enemy.

"She's decided to help you instead." A officer says.

"Dammit copy that."

Catra says as her hand penetrates a enemy soldiers chest. As they clear the landing bay

"Double trouble you still alive?" Catra says over her comms.

"Of course I am! You really think these brutes would uncover me? I find that insulting." They say.

"Me? doubting a spy who got caught and backstabbed me." Catra says running through corridors.

"Oh my looks someone woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning.  You know kitten I'm hurt here I thought we let the past  go." They say

"Ugh I hate that I can picture you posing dramatically in my head. Okay back on track just tell me you got the information." Catra says

"Yes the coordinates to their home planet is secured and all records regarding our planet has been wiped. Can I do anything else for you?" They say

"Good and yes there is, there happens to be a little ice princess on her way here. Go and make sure she doesn't die." Catra says emphasizing the die word.

"Why do I have to save the runt? Besides I'm a liar not fighter." They say pouting.

"I think me and you need to have a little heart to heart later but for now this is an order do whatever It takes to keep her alive." Catra orders.

"Jeez don't need to get your fur all riled up. Fine I'll make the Runt doesn't die." They say reluctantly.

"What is Frosta thinking abandoning the plan." Catra says sneaking past some guards.

Maybe she just wants to help you? Melog says

"No if she wanted to help me then sticking to the plan would have accomplished that. Well it looks like the enemy leader is behind this door. Melog regroup with Frosta and double trouble. I want you all to guard this door, no one gets in or out." Catra says

"Your going to fight her alone?" Melog says concerned

Catra smiles and pets him.

"Yes I am but just know I'm doing it because I'm acting reckless or because I want to play the hero... I'm doing this because I know I can win." Catra says walking into the room.

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