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The definition of insanity, the act of repeating the same actions and again expecting something to change. These lines found themselves being embedded into Catra's mind as she finally finishes a stack of official documents but then falls to despair as Merry places another stack onto her desk.
Catra freezes, cracks her pen then breaks it. She slams her hands against the desk and stands up.

"I've had enough! I've been here for hours and I've barely made a dent in these documents!? Alpha are not here to lighten my load!?" Catra shouts as she cracks her desk.

"Catra these are the results of your conquering. Each stack of papers are one planet and you've conquered more than 30 planets now.  That's not even taking into account the resource management of your fleets. If it wasn't for me you'd have documents reaching the ceiling and flooding the room." Alpha says

"That's it from now on each planets representative will self govern and solve it's own problems. We will take of monthly tax and aid in any requests the representative makes.  This applies as long as it doesn't clash of our own laws or values. Also send word to Entrapta to make another A.I. in fact make a dozen A.I. have them distributed to major farming and manufacturing worlds. Have the A.I. support each worlds representatives but restrict their access information." Catra says as knocking is heard outside her room.

"Come in." Catra says

"You missed our session Catra. Are you okay?" Perfuma says with a look of concern.

"Yes I'm fine..I've had a busy morning as you can see." Catra says pressing a button on her desk. Seconds later another chair appears from the ground.

"Alpha! Haven't I told you that Catra cannot miss her therapy sessions." Perfuma says narrowing her eyes at Alpha floating above Catra.

"Perfuma it's fine, Its just one session I'll be fine-" Catra says before Perfuma cuts herself

"Catra no Its not, you'v made so much progress and we both know what happned last time you decided to skip our sessions." Perfuma says

"That!...I'm not going to...snap like last time." Catra says trailing off.

"When you used dark magic facing off against the horde it corrupted not only your only remaming arm but your emotional state as well. " perfuma says

"It wasn't that bad was it?" Catra says scratching her head.

"Catra you destroyed all the mirrors in your room because everytime you looked into one you saw Shadowweaver." Perfuma says

"Okay fine I can take a break. So what's our session today?" Catra says

"You tell me." Perfuma says smiling.

"Okay I'm just a little stressed because of my work load but I've already put steps forward to deal with this. Nothing been bothering me lately. See doc? I'm cured." Catra says raising her arms in celebration

"Okay then what about the Lionett situation?" Perfuma says

"What about her? We get along fine." Catra says confused.

"Really? Its obvious she likes you Catra and you seem to have some feelings towards her as well." Perfuma says

"Huh? She's my respected second in command. The bond we have is more of a master to subordinate relationship. Nothing else, besides I can't betray Adora like that." Catra says clenching her fist

"Its okay to love another person Catra. Adora wouldn't want you to be lonely for her sake." Perfuma says

"I am never alone, in fact I have alpha, Athena, and Atlas. Melog as well!" Catra says quickly

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