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As Catra opens her eyes she realizes she's back in her room in the fright zone. It's like she remembers it plain walls, flat bed, mostly dull blacks and greys with the only color really being pictures of Adora and the others decorating the walls and shelves. Although the pictures of Adora are all face down. She takes a second glance around and notices she's sat down on a chair facing a mirror with Merry standing on a chair brushing Catra's hair. Catra immediately notices she's in memory.

"I had forgotten about this memory. No it's more like it was pushed to the side. Sorry about that Merry." Catra says

"Don't try to change the topic! Come on tell me about how you met She-ra!" Merry says enthusiastically as she brushes Catra's hair.

Ah yeah Merry is a ram-kin? She was in training and often visited me in the evenings. Today is the day she asked me how me and She-ra met...what a terrible story.

"It wasn't however your imagining it to be. It was sad and I was confused and angry. The friend who I had known my whole life betrayed me. This she-ra took my friend away and I hated her for that. The end." Catra says closing her eyes thinking back on the day.

"I heard the horde tried to brainwash she-ra but she broke free and went to the rebellion to help everyone." Merry says

"Brainwash huh? Not to far off but I was there so mine is the truth. Anyway how is your training going?" Catra says switching places with Merry.

"Great everyone is super nice but I got used locker which sucked." Merry says lamenting

"Oh? Do you know who's?" Catra says as she brushes Merry's white fur.

"Someone named kyle, there was a bunch of junk stuffed in their also some gum stuck to the door." Merry says in disgust.

"Bad luck, me and Adora always threw our trash in his locker, lonnie always put her used gum on the inside of his door. Usually rogelio would clean it all out but I think that was around the time I was in charge. I probably had kept them busy and he never got a chance to clean it." Catra says snickering at first then going into a hardened look.

"Sounds like you guys didn't like him." Merry says

"No we didn't do that because we hated him. It was more like a mix of joking around. Although he was pretty useless. He was always last in every training exercise." Catra says

"Hmm that reminds me what rank were in the exercises?" Merry asks curiously

"Ah...I always came in second." Catra says uneasily

"Really? I thought you'd be in first." Merry says

"No.. that place was reserved for Adora. She was always better than me. At the time it seemed that the whole world wanted me to know that." Catra says with mixed emotions.

"Catra...." merry says turning around.

"Its in past, besides if me and Adora had a match right now I'm sure I could give her a run for her money!" Catra says puffing out her chest.

"Haha I'd pay to see that match. You know you mention Adora alot but whenever someone asks about her you always side step the question. Or at least that's what I've heard." Merry says

Catra pats her head.

"Well if you must know its because I miss her. But I'm also angry at her, I have so many emotions towards her that I can't express with words. But at the end of the day I still love her and would give anything for her to be here right now." Catra says with warmth.

"Did you and her ever want kids?" Merry says

Catra's eyes widen as she coughs.

"Huh!? Where did this come from?" Catra says shocked.

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