Battle For Harvest-Part One

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The planet known as Harvest was a farming world. Its population was a little over 2 million and its indigenous people were tribal in nature. They were a peaceful race, they were humanoid but what set them apart were the long ears and sun kissed skin. They were an underdeveloped world that focused on farming thus when Etheria came they proposed a deal to left them rule themselves but give half the food produced to the empire. In exchange Etheria supplied farming bots plus new innovations to farming and protection. Which leads into now, where two farmers talk amongst themselves in field of golden wheat.

"Y'know I'm get'n tired of giv'en away half my harvest to those damn alien bastards." An old wrinkled man says to a younger man fit in appearance with gold freckles across his face and short messy black hair. The young man looks at the old man that had white hair that seemed to neatly tied back top knot.

"Old man you say this every harvest, ever since those "aliens" settled here we've had more food than ever before." The young lad says looking out at the golden field around them.

"You young',ns will neva understand. Back in my day we only needed our trust old sickle and hard work to be fulfilled." The old man says pointing the square device at the younger man's side.

"Times change grandpa, we can use this new technology to better keep track of our food stock." He says with amazement.

"Ah even you're even speak'en like them." The grandpa says throwing his hands up in surrender.

"Oh really? I didn't notice haha." He says scratching his head with a grin.

"Cathael! Kimal! It's time for dinner!" A feminine voice shouts out.

They look back to older women that had soft features with golden freckles and black hair pinned in a ponytail.

"Got mom! We'd better get going before my mom gets angry." Cathael says

The old man laughs

"Yer absolutely right! She's a spitfire like her mom." Kimal says

The two begin walking back when the old man looks up to see a starship come out of hyper space.

"Look you're alien friends are here." He says grunting

"Huh? Shipments are due yet. They shouldn't- that's not Etheria. Who?" Cathael says straining his eyes to see  any type of symbol.

One ship quickly turns into hundreds as more come out of hyper space. One the ships drives  downward towards the planets surface. It levels out when entering lower atmosphere, the bulky starship opens its sides and suddenly dozens of smaller ships come flooding out. Another ship does the same, with another landing close to them.

"Its an invasion!?" Cathael shouts in distress

"Run boy! Get you're mother and hide!" Kimal shouts.

A starfighter screeches around then firing on the village near them, another sets the field a blaze. Final narrows his eyes as a ship passing by drops off a number of bots and soliders.

"What about you!?" Cathael says looking back.

"I'll stall them as long as I can!" Kimal shouts.

"But-" Cathael says

"Shut up and go!" Kimal shouts before running towards the enemies.

Cathael let's a scream of frustration before running towards his home. Kimal rips his cloth shirt revealing a quite toned body with tattoos covering his arms and chest. He takes out his sickle and mutters a word. The sickle ignites in flames then he pulls a secondary sickle that seemed to be made of flames. He let's out a war cry as he charges the soliders.

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