The Luxkloren Dynasty

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"Alpha what can you tell me about the Luxkloren Dynasty? It seems like someone beat us to the punch." Mermista says

Mermista with her small fleet of ships are a small distance away from the planet. Staring at two sides fighting against each others.

"Its a water planet, its civilization is unknown but it seems they are fighting a civil war." Alpha reports

"How do you figure?" Mermista says

"From rough scans both sides are using the same type of ship just painted different colors. Left side I'd gold and sliver the other is blue and white. Should we intervene?" Alpha says

"Of course we should! But the real question is what side we take? And how? I don't think we can capture that many ships." Seahawk says

"I remind you that Catra's orders are to subjugate the planet. I don't believe sides matter just destroy both enemy ships and we can control the air and lock the planet down." Alpha says

"What? But we don't know who the enemy side is? What if there are innocents?" Seahawk says

Mermista closes her eyes and thinks back on how Seahawk almost died.

"I'm sorry and I hope you forgive me one day." Mermista says as she knocks out Seahawk.

"Mermista?" Alpha questions.

"Have bots take him to the medical bay. Do you have a way to make him stay unconscious until this battle is over?" Mermista says clenching her fist.

"Yes. We will place in a melodically induced coma. He'll be perfectly fine." Alpha says

"Are sure your up to this? I can take manual control if you wish." Alpha says.

"No I will do it. I already know Catra sent us here to test us." Mermista says

"Oh? What do you mean?" Alpha says

"She obviously could have just used you to deploy her forces, there was no need to send us. She wants to see how far each of us are willing to go for Etheria. It's one thing to fight off a invading enemy but its whole other situation to be the invaders." Mermista says

"Correct! She indeed wanted to test you but also trusted no one more than all of you. Her trust is the reason why I am not leading these invasions." Alpha says

"Can't do it? Let me loose and I'll conquer this world for you." Jormungand says his deep guttural voice resonating in her mind.

"Shutup. I'll lead the space battle and I'll leave the ground battle to you." Mermista says

"Kufufu Mhm good." Jormungand says

"Alpha have they noticed us." Mermista says

"Yes. But it seems they are more interested in each other." Alpha says

"Hail both of them." Mermista says

On her order Alpha connects both command ships and links it to her screen. When the screen turns on it reveals a shark creature with humanoid appendages standing up right. colored a deep red with a white under belly. Its features are rough like a seasoned solider with a scar across its eye with some type of scale armor across his body. The other screen shows a pale skinned humanoid figure. Bald with narrow eyes, with finn's on both sides of its face, bright blue eyes. Its clothes are much more refined and proper compared to the others more rugged and solider vibe.

"Attention Luxkloren Dynasty. You are now under the control of the Etherian Empire, you have two options. First you kneel and swear to her Majesty Empress Catra or you can resist and watch as your world is dyed red." Mermista says her voice firm and filled with resolve.

"Ha! Another invader? Just wait your turn you interloper!" Fantasy clothed one says

"I have to agree with that blow fish but your not welcome here. The horde tried to control us and the sea consumed them. So try and see what it will do to you." The shark says

"Fine. If either of you change your mind our communications line is always open." Mermista says ending the line.

"All ships prepare to fire a MAC barrage at all ships." Mermista orders.

At her order all her ships begin charging magical energy and all at once open fire. The darkness of space is broken by streaks of white with red lighting crackling. The beams of concentrated magic hits all the ships. Like swatting flies both side ships begin to burst into flames with liquid scattering into space.

The enemy ships are fish like having finn and scale plating on them. After both sides having suffer major damage. Both sides split their forces, half their numbers moving forward fight Mermista and the other staying to fight each other.

"Instead of joing together they split up. Such pitful creatures." Alpha says

"All ships press forward. You may fire at will." Mermista says

The Enemy ships nose begins to glow a blueish green and all at once release sending beams of energy to Etherian ships. With the shields down the beams of energy begin shredding the outer plating but stop before breaching the haul.

"The inner black gold plating seems to be enough to stop their attacks from destroying some of our ships." Alpha reports.

"Send all fighter pilots out for combat." Mermista says

Hundreds of fighters exit from the carrier class Etherian Ships meeting the Dynasty fighters in combat. The Dynasty ships seem to be more nimble and with their fish finns attached to their ship they are able to make better turns but the Etherian fighters are better armored pack higher fire power. At first both sides seem evenly matched but that's when the enemy forces begin destroying each other. Both factions unable to work together cause the fight to tip in Mermista's favor.

With Mermista's small fleet closer to the planet Mermista gives the signal and a portal opens leading another small fleet behind them. That's when the gold and white ships begin launching escape pods.

"It seems the fantasy sea people are fleeing. Ugh why couldn't they just surrender." Mermista says

The gold and white ships are quickly destroyed by the combined forces of Mermista and the opposing faction.
After that within ten minutes the remaining enemy forces begin to crumble and launch escape pods fleeing to the planet.

"We've gained the control of the air." Alpha says

"Good set up a blockade and scan for life forms." Mermista says

"There's a number of large cluster of people in the west and east hemispheres of the planet. What are your orders." Alpha says

"Its simple, I'm going down there and releasing Jormungand. Make sure to record what I am about to do. Then send it to both sides." Mermista says walking to the hanger.

After some time Mermista is on the surface of the planet. She enters the water and grabs her trident and focuses on it. Suddenly her eyes glow blue with a broken sunken crown forming on her head. The trident suddenly grows a yellow slit eye.

"I TRIED AND GAVE YOU AN ATTEMPT AT MERCY BUT YOU IGNORED IT. SO NOW I THE RULER OF THE SEA SHALL DYE THIS WOLRD CRISMON." Both Mermista and Jormungands voice combine into a guttural and deep voice that shakes and causing the waves to crash together around Mermista. The sea itself creating underwater cyclones.

That's Mermista slashes the air causing the area in front of her to crack like glass. Then it spiderwebs into more cracks until shattering leaving nothing but a hole filled with darkness. From the darkness swims out Jormungands full body roaring with rage and anticipation.

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