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Vergil soon reaches the bottom, deactivating his Devil Trigger upon landing.

Vergil:, where are they?

He makes his way through the fairgrounds, which is currently up in literal flames.

Vergil: (Dammit...I'm strong enough to defeat all three of them combined, yet I still couldn't prevent this. Tch.)

Irritation beginning to build up within Vergil, he makes his way through the area, calling out to the girls who are hopefully okay.

Vergil: Blake! Weiss! Yang! Where are you?!

Unfortunately, he doesn't get a response. The only people he could see currently were civilians running for their lives, and Grimm attacking any person they were close to. After slashing off the head of a beowolf that was charging towards him, Vergil continues down his path, looking for his loved ones.

Vergil: Ugh, all this fire is making me lose concentration...

A cloud of smoke fills his vision, and Vergil swipes it out of the way while covering his eyes.

Vergil: (Dammit...where are they?!)

Then, he heard something through the crackling flames. An agonizing scream.

Vergil: No...that can't be...

Quickly rushing towards the source of the sound, Vergil finds himself walking inside a burning structure, where he finds something that may haunt his memories: Adam Taurus standing over Blake, his blade pointing towards her heart, though he seems to have already struck her, as she has a stab wound at her midsection. Yang was about a meter away, however she was missing half of her left arm.

Vergil: No...

Looking over his shoulder, Adam smirks as he motions his head towards him.

Adam: Ah, if it isn't Vergil Sparda. Seems you were just a tad too late...just like before.

Normally, Vergil is a calm and collected individual. But seeing the person he despises, harming the people he loved. It fueled the Dark Slayer.

Vergil: You bastard!

Rushing forward, he drives the butt of Yamato into Adam's gut, throwing him back a distance and stunning him. While he had this opportunity, Vergil checks on Blake with worry in his eyes.

Vergil: Blake, are you alright?

Blake: Y-Yeah, I-I'm okay...but Y-Yang...

She looks to where Yang lays unconscious, and the sight lights a fire inside Vergil.

Vergil: Where's Weiss?

Blake: She's with R-Ruby, and some of the others.

Vergil: Alright, you two need to get out of here.

Standing up, Vergil slices the air after carefully picking Yang up, the portal looking into its destination.

Blake: A-are you sure?

Vergil: This isn't up for debate. I'll deal with him.

He hands Yang over to Blake, and makes sure the two of them cross the portal as it closes. Now, he can put all of his focus on the bull faunus walking towards him.

(Devil May Cry 3 - Divine Hate)

Adam: You really want to send them away? I was hoping to see the look of despair on Blake's face as I murder her lover.

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