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Port: 3...2...1...BEGIN!

The second the match begins, Vergil rockets towards Mercury, almost leaving a crater where he was standing. Flipping inwards, he goes for a dropping heel kick, which Mercury narrowly avoids. Spinning into a heel kick, he trips Vergil onto a knee, but the swordsman backflips with one leg, and rushes forward, landing multiple cement-heavy punches before kicking Mercury in the gut, launching him backwards but not off the platform. Meanwhile, the crowds in the stadium roar and cheer as they enjoy the fight being displayed.

Port: My, what an intense battle between these two young men!

Oobleck: Quite a display of skill between them!

Back to the fight, Mercury rolls onto his feet and fires multiple shots from his gun-boots, Talaria. The silver rounds go in a spiral as they begin to circle Vergil. He punches a few of them out of the air, but the rest home in on him. Able to avoid the majority of the blasts, but a couple hit him from behind, giving Mercury the opportunity to land some attacks. The silver-haired young man rushes Vergil with a variety of spin kicks before pump kicking him in the chest. He slides backwards, but he stomps his foot into the ground to stop himself. Smirking, Vergil rolls his shoulders as he walks off the attacks he was just dealt.

Vergil: You're really putting a lot behind those attacks. You may get me to start taking you seriously.

That draws the ire of Mercury, and he dashes forward with a shout. Narrowing his eyes, Vergil catches his kick with one hand, and throws Mercury inward, and the associate of Cinder is able to front flip and land on his feet. But before he could come up with a counter, Vergil lands a heavy punch to his chest, then follows up with a short uppercut, and ends his combo with a double low kick, the claws on Beowulf slashing Mercury's legs as he slams into the ground. Vergil goes for a Lunar Phase 1, but his opponent rolls out of the way, and instead creates a crater where his foot lands. Jumping up to his feet, Mercury fires a spiral of blasts again from his boots, and they take a tornado-like form as they circle Vergil. Coming up with an idea, Vergil jumps high up, and the shots from Talaria home in on him as they quickly connect with their target, causing a giant dust cloud in the air. The crowd goes quiet as murmurs fill the space, while Mercury sneers, thinking he's won. Then, a blue light could be seen from inside the cloud, and Vergil tricks towards Mercury, in his Devil Trigger form, with insane speed. Nailing him in the face with Starfall, he teleports to where Mercury is launched, and hits him with Kick 13, a series of kicks before thrusting his heel into Mercury's jaw, sending him upwards. Jumping after him, Vergil flips forwards, and drives his foot into his gut, connecting with a Lunar Phase 2. The gray-haired boy crashes into the ground, knocking him out. The buzzer goes off, and Vergil deactivates Devil Trigger as he looks up, and Mercury's aura bar is now empty.

Port: And the winner of this match is Vergil Sparda of Beacon!

The crowd cheers loudly as they give an applause for the match. Vergil nods to himself, and looks over to where RWBY is sitting. All of them have big smiles on their faces, and he does a small mock bow before pointing to them, making the four girls blush. The platform begins to go down, and Vergil walks off it, when he notices movement behind him. He turns to see Mercury rocketing towards him. But he doesn't move as he smirks.

Vergil: (They think they can toy with me that easily?)

He turns back around, and walks away, as what he saw was actually an illusion. Mercury is still lying in the crater in pain, and Emerald is wide-eyed from the fact that Vergil either wasn't effected by the illusion, or he didn't even care.

Oobleck: I have just received word that the next match will take place in three weeks due to situations beyond our control! So please be patient, and do be ready when the time comes!

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