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Pyrrha: I...I love you!

She bows her head, visibly shaking as Vergil gazes at her with a puzzled expression.

Vergil: ...What? I thought you were going to ask Jaune on a date. What changed?

Pyrrha: W-well...when I went to ask him out...he said he didn't see me that way. S-so, I did some thinking...

Timidly, Pyrrha places her hands on Vergil's shoulders, and gazes into his sharp blue eyes.

Pyrrha: I-I thought back on our kiss a couple days ago...well, to be exact, I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Vergil: We did agree that it was a friendly kiss.

Pyrrha: I-I know...but, I'm just so conflicted!

Tears begin to well in her emerald orbs, and she hides her eyes behind her hands as she looks down.

Pyrrha: I wanted to love Jaune, but he's already rejected me...yet for some reason, it didn't make me sad. A-and you're all I t-think about anymore...I'm sorry, it's just so, so wrong of me--

Vergil suddenly wraps his arms around the quivering redhead. Gently rubbing her back, Vergil soothes her.

Vergil: It's alright, Pyrrha. I don't think it's wrong of you in any way. Jaune made his choice. And before you ask, no, I'm not going to snap his arms.

She briefly laughs, though there's still a tone of sadness in it.

Pyrrha: Th-that'd be pretty bad.

She looks back down, and takes a deep breath. For a second, Vergil could hear her quietly mumbling to herself.

Pyrrha: Okay, I can do this...

Vergil: What was--

He is interrupted by Pyrrha though, as she suddenly kisses him, giving him almost no time to respond while she grips the front of his shirt. Deciding to let her have her fun, Vergil wraps an arm around her waist, and pulls her into him as her tongue darts into his mouth. She presses even further into him, her breasts softly squishing against his upper body. Gasping for air, Pyrrha blushes darker than her hair as she lets go, and they stare into each other's eyes.

Vergil: Let's...take this somewhere more appropriate.

Pyrrha: O-okay.

He picks Pyrrha up, his arms holding her up by the back of her thighs, while she wraps her arms around his neck. With a shy but seductive smile, Pyrrha rests in Vergil's arms as she gazes up at him.

Pyrrha: Heh, are you going to whisk me away~?

Vergil: That...

He continues his sentence after a kiss on Pyrrha's cheek as he smirks.

Vergil: ...All depends on you.

With that, he carries her to his dorm room, while the shattered moon shines in the sky he walks away from.


*Lemon Starting...*

Back in Vergil's dorm room, he sets Pyrrha down, and they resume their makeout session. Stripping each other of their pajama tops, Vergil lets Pyrrha feel out his chest, while his hands roam her fit abdomen.

Vergil: I could certainly see the results of your training.

Pyrrha: T-t-thank you...

Gently, Vergil's hands glide up, and caresses Pyrrha's perfectly shaped breasts, making the spartan shudder and squeak from the touch.

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