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The next day, Vergil and Weiss stand together in the battlefield of Amity Coliseum, as they prepare for their match against a duo from Atlas.

Vergil: Alright, Weiss. You are from Atlas, so what should we expect from our opponents?

Weiss: Well, seeing as their academies and armed forces are merged, I believe we should expect militant and strict fighters. They'll likely be using advanced technology and will have carefully rehearsed strategies in mind beforehand.

Vergil: Hm, is it just me, or do you fit each of those categories?

Weiss: Mm-hmm. So, how about we try out our combinations? After all, we should expect our enemy to be quite formidable.

Before Vergil could say anything in response, a rainbow dashes past the two, and stops in front of them, revealing a pigtailed girl with rainbow clothes, along with rollerblades and glow sticks. Next to her is a young man in a suit, with a fedora and sunglasses. In his hand, is a gray-colored trumpet. In slight confusion, Vergil and Weiss glance at each other.

Weiss: Or...whatever they are.

Flynt: Hey!

The young man calls out to Vergil and Weiss, and they both turn to him.

Flynt: You Weiss Schnee, right? The heiress.

Bowing her head to the recognition, Weiss smiles.

Weiss: Indeed I am!

Flynt: I take it you're pretty good with Dust, then?

She shrugs humbly while holding her forearm.

Weiss: I do my best.

Flynt: Yeah, my father was pretty good too. Owned a nice little Dust shop...

He lowers his head, the fedora covering his eyes. When he looks back up, his expression is changed from a smile to a scowl, and he glares at Weiss.

Flynt: ...That was 'till your father's company ran him out of business.

From a happy expression to shame, Weiss hangs her head.

Weiss: O-oh...I, I'm sorry to hear that.

Looking away, Flynt crosses his arms.

Flynt: Tch, sure you are.

Vergil points Yamato at the young man as he keeps his usual stoic face.

Vergil: Holding someone accountable for another's deeds is simply idiotic, is it not?

The girl next to Flynt mocks Vergil as she does a poor imitation of him.

Neon: Holding someone accountable for another's deeds is simply idiotic, is it not? Hey, quick question: do you always try to sound cool or is it because of that dumb hair?

Narrowing his eyes at the girl, Vergil sighs as he turns his hip slightly, his hand hovering over Yamato's handle, while Weiss gets into her own battle stance.

Vergil: (I should hold back...after all, this is supposed to be an entertaining match. It'd be a shame if it ended so quickly. At the same time, though...) Be glad this tournament doesn't allow maiming.

As the two duos stare each other down, the field opens. It is split into four different environments: a volcanic area, a sandy desert, steaming geysers, and a broken down cityscape.

Port: Here we go, ladies and gentlemen! Three! Two! One...begin!

Right when the match starts, Flynt brings his trumpet to his lips, and blows as a large sound wave is emitted, pushing Vergil and Weiss back. While they are being held down, Neon dashes through the wave, and rams into Vergil, pushing him further back and into the city environment. Turning his focus to the obnoxious girl, Vergil launches Yamato at Neon as it rotates clockwise, and she barely avoids the attack. However, the sword continues to spin faster, to the point of creating a small vortex. Neon yelps as she almost gets sucked into it, and Vergil retrieves his katana mid-flight. As he sheathes his blade, Neon continues to skate through the environment, making faces along the way.

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