DxD 6 Pt. 2

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Kiba: Who's there?!

An elderly man steps out from one of the doorways of the building, revealing Valper Galilei.

Valper: A Sacred Gear that can exhibit invincible power based on the user's ability. Oh Freed, looks like your use of holy swords could use some brushing up, couldn't it?

Freed: Oh look, it's old man Valper!

Vergil narrows his eyes at the newcomer, while Kiba goes wide-eyed at his comment.

Issei: That must be the guy Xenovia was talking about.

Koneko: He's the mastermind behind the holy sword project.

Vergil: A despicable individual, indeed.

Kiba: Valper Galilei!

The man turns to Kiba, and chuckles. Freed glares at Valper while pulling at the tongue-like beam from Line.

Freed: Old man, make yourself useful and get this thing off me!

Valper: Ugh, you need to pour all your energy into the blade of the sword.

Freed: Oh, is that all it takes? Alright then, energy cocktail, coming up!

Freed's sword starts glowing, and he then slashes the blue beam off from him, freeing himself.

Issei: Be careful you guys, this is bad!

Vergil: Really? I thought it was going great!

Vergil snaps at Issei irritably while summoning a volley of swords, and launches them at Freed, but the stray priest deflects the attack with a cackle.

Freed: It makes sense now! If I figure out the perfect way to use the holy elements, I'll continue to gain power! I like this game.

He turns his head to Kiba, who shakes his head out of a daze.

Freed: I have an idea! Why don't you all just stand there and become prey to my sword?!

He lunges at Kiba, and Kiba begins to block the blade, but then Xenovia appears beside him as she helps block Freed's attack.

Issei: Huh? Xenovia?

???: Yoohoo!

Everyone else turns to see Irina running up to them.

Vergil: About time you got here.

Irina: Hey, we were pretty far from where you guys were! 

Vergil: Well, all the same, it's good you made it.

Saji: Irina? What are you doing?

Irina, while throwing her robe away and revealing herself to be in her battle attire, tilts her head at him.

Irina: Huh? What do you mean? You contacted me, so I came to help, duh!

Saji: O-oh...

Koneko: Good to know you're paying attention.

Xenovia: You're both traitors. Hear me, Freed Sellzen and Valper Galilei: I condemn your souls in the name of our God!

Freed: Gr, how dare you say that...don't ever say that disgusting name in front of me again!

While Xenovia locks blades with Freed, Kiba jumps over her, and aims his sword towards Freed with a shout. Freed quickly jumps back, and lands beside Valper. 

Valper: It seems you have put yourself in a predicament. Outnumbered, and some are wielding holy swords. I believe it is time we pull back. 

Freed: Oh, so soon? Ah well...

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