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It has been months since Vergil has returned to Remnant, and the Vytal Festival fighting tournament has begun. After watching RWBY's victory against team ABRN of Haven, he joins them in the fairgrounds.

Ruby: anyone else starving?

She whines while being hunched over, and Blake holds her arms behind her head.

Blake: I may have worked up an appetite.

Her stomach growls, and she holds it as she turns pink with embarrassment.

Vergil: It's understandable. You really gave it your all in that match.

Weiss: If only there was a place to get some food...

Spreading her arms outwards, Weiss motions to several different food stands surrounding them.

Weiss: Oh wait.

While placing a hand on her shoulder, Ruby nods to "comfort" her teammate.

Ruby: It's okay Weiss, I forget about the fairgrounds too.

Weiss: I was being facetious!

Gasping dramatically, Ruby covers her mouth with a hand.

Ruby: If you were hungry, why didn't you say so?!

Yang: Come on! I know just the perfect place.

Ruby, Blake and Yang walk away. Vergil is about to join them when he notices Weiss looking at her scroll, which is showing an ID labeled "Father". With an irritated groan, she ignores the call as she puts her scroll away.

Vergil: Are you alright, Weiss?

While looking back to him, Weiss' expression lightens up.

Weiss: Yes, I'm okay.

She links her arm around Vergil's, and the two catch up with the rest of the team.


Now aligned next to each other at a ramen stand, the girls and Vergil chat before they get their food.

Yang: Don't worry you guys, it'll be fine! Putting it up to a vote makes it more official!

Weiss: Well, I'll make sure to keep up the tempo.

Vergil: Don't worry. I am quite confident in adapting to different situations and styles when it comes to battling solo or with a partner. But I still wonder, why would you vote me and Weiss together?

Ruby: Hm, I dunno. Just something about you two makes it click.

Blake: Well, I think you two make a great team.

Glancing over at the heiress sitting at his right side, Vergil shrugs.

Vergil: Well, let's give them a good show, alright?

While beaming, Weiss leans on Vergil.

Weiss: We'll leave them wanting an encore.

An old man soon emerges from the inside of the hut, and Yang places her order.

Yang: I'll have the regular, please.

In an instant, a large bowl of noodles appear in front of her. Ruby watches in awe as she is next.

Ruby: Oohhhh...I'll have what she's having?

A bowl similar to Yang's slides in front of Ruby, and she squeals in excitement.

Weiss: Do you...have anything with low salt...?

A large bowl of regular noodles slides in front of her, and Weiss tilts her head.

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