DxD 8 Pt. 3

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So sorry for the delay! Been busy with a lot of IRL stuff, as well as updating other stories and other things. Welp, hope you all enjoy the shit that is produced from my dirty fingers... ;-;


Vergil: I'll cut you down!

He leaps upwards toward Kokabiel, leaving behind a crater where he jumped. While summoning a number of swords at his sides, Vergil slashes upwards, but Kokabiel is able to block his attack while barely avoiding the swords as they rocket towards him. As a follow up, Vergil uses the wings from his Devil Trigger form to levitate as he fires multiple summoned swords at the fallen angel. Kokabiel blocks the incoming projectiles, but then gets stabbed in the shoulder by one of many heavy rain swords.

Kokabiel: Argh, dammit. You're a persistent brat, just die!

Vergil teleports towards Kokabiel and thrusts Yamato forward, intending to stab Kokabiel. But the fallen avoids his attack, and before Vergil could chase after him, he is stabbed in the gut by a large light spear, sending Vergil flying into the ground.

Asia: Vergil!

But he easily rises from the crater. While cracking his neck, his wound from the light spear begins to heal.

Vergil: Okay, I've decided you're not strong enough...

And Vergil lowers into a crouch as he grips his sheathed katana.

Vergil: But are you fast enough?

Clicking his blade, Vergil teleports towards Kokabiel, and repetitively slashes the fallen angel, who isn't able to block any of the attacks. He goes to stab Vergil with another light spear, but Vergil teleports out of his reach, and reappears over Kokabiel with Beowulf equipped. Before the leader class fallen can defend himself, Vergil dives downwards, stomping his boot onto the war addict's skull, sending him flying. Kokabiel quickly recovers as he growls at the Dark Slayer while shaking his head.

Kokabiel: Grr, you dare mock me?

Vergil: No, you're just foolish enough to believe you're a threat.

Before Kokabiel could think of a comeback, Vergil suddenly appears in front of him, with Beowulf again. He grabs the fallen angel by the head, and drops towards the ground and slams Kokabiel head first into the earth. He then proceeds to choke slam him approximately 28 times before driving his foot into the man's gut, breaking a majority of his ribs while he gets launched meters away.

Kokabiel: Augh, f-fuck, dammit!

His gauntlets and greaves glowing with energy, Vergil walks towards Kokabiel as he struggles to get up. But once he gets to his feet, Vergil once again teleports right in front of him, and a left cross sends the old fool flying backwards, crashing through multiple trees.

Issei: H-h-holy shit...I'm really glad I'm not his enemy.

Rias: That's Vergil for you. Demonstrating his strength when necessary.

Meanwhile, Kokabiel slowly rises to his feet, spitting out a couple teeth as he pants.

Kokabiel: You...are really getting...on my nerves.

Vergil: Tell that to someone who cares. You really are the clown of the fallen angels, aren't you?

His words fuel Kokabiel with anger, and along with that anger comes adrenaline.

Kokabiel: Oh, that's it! Fuck you and die!

He flies upwards, and launches a bright spear of energy at Vergil, who sidesteps with ease. While Kokabiel is distracted with Vergil, Rias has been charging her power thanks to getting a transfer from Issei.

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