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As light entered Vergil's room from the window, he was hoping to get a little more sleep. Unfortunately, the sound of a whistle being blown from RWBY's dorm made Vergil clutch his ears. With a sigh, he gets to his feet, makes breakfast, takes a quick shower and changes into his new outfit. He walks over to the mirror hanging on the front of his bathroom door, and does a little spin, the coattails of his uniform flowing behind him. He smirks with approval, and walks outside of his room, and almost gets trampled if he didn't move out of the way. He watches RWBY run down the halls.

Ruby: C'mon Vergil, we're gonna be late to Professor Port's class!

They don't even slow down for him, and he groans. Instead of chasing after them, he simply creates a portal to Port's classroom and walks in. The old man is facing the wall, and doesn't see Vergil appear until he turns around.

Port: Ah! You must be Mr. Vergil! You sure are early today.

Vergil could have sworn his mustache was moving when he spoke, but he ignores it. He takes a seat around the center of the room. A few minutes later, RWBY and JNPR all burst through the door.

Port: Right on time, boys and girls! Come, take your seats.

RWBY and JNPR takes their seats next to Vergil, and the class begins.


Port: Monsters! Deeemons! Prowlers of the night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names...but I simply refer to them as prey!

Vergil watches the man as he paces along the front of the classroom. Blake and Yang are paying attention with him, Weiss is writing down notes, while Ruby is, or was, snoring until she woke up to Port's bad joke.

Port: Uuuhhh...and you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy. Now as I was saying: Vale, among the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in this otherwise treacherous world! Our planet is teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you apart piece by piece! And that is where we come in! Huntsmen! Huntresses...

He winks at Yang, and she groans. Vergil rubs her shoulder to comfort her, and she smiles at him while blushing. Meanwhile, Port continues.

Port: Individuals who have sworn to protect those who can't protect themselves. From what you may ask? Why, the very world!

One of the male students shoots up to his feet.

Male Student: Ayyyy yep!

The room goes quiet as everyone looks at the boy in confusion. Laughing awkwardly, he sits back down.

Port: That is what you're training to become. But first, a story! A tale of a young, handsome young! Back when I was just a boy...

His lecture becomes a long and boring ranting as he tells his life story. Vergil becomes tired of listening, and glances over at Ruby, who is doing various things. First, she doodles a funny drawing of Professor Port with a very large head, calling it "Professor Poop". She then starts balancing an apple on a book with her pencil, holding it with only a finger, while making a funny face. Vergil looks over at Weiss, and she is getting increasingly frustrated with Ruby.

Port: A true huntsman must be dependable!

Ruby briefly falls asleep again, but wakes up immediately.

Port: A true huntsman must be strategic, well-educated, and wise!

Not so subtly picking her nose, Ruby makes Weiss growl in anger.

Port: ...So, who among you believe yourself to be the embodiment of these traits?

Weiss immediately stands up before anyone else.

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