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As Ruby and Vergil go after Weiss, Vergil gets a message from his scroll. He opens it while moving, and notices a new message from Pyrrha.

Vergil: Hang on, I've got a message from Pyrrha, she normally messages me if there is something wrong. You got Weiss, right?

Ruby: Huh? Oh, yeah. I got her.

With a nod, Ruby runs off, leaving Vergil alone. He opens the message from Pyrrha, and reads:

Pyrrha: Vergil, I'm having a bit of a problem...could you come to the courtyard of Beacon? Thank you in advance.

Vergil: Well, I wonder what she needs.

Looking back to where Ruby went after Weiss, Vergil heads back to Beacon, where Pyrrha waits for him.


Vergil finally arrives at Beacon's courtyard, and the sun is beginning to set, leaving a beautiful orange shade in the sky. Walking through the marble pathways, he finds Pyrrha leaning against a pillar. She looks up in a moment, and smiles as she sees Vergil approaching her.

Pyrrha: I'm glad you're here, Vergil. O-oh, I'm sorry if I am pulling you from something else!

Vergil: No, it's alright. So, what do you need me for?

He notices a change in Pyrrha, as she starts fiddling with her hands and looking down, while a shade of pink colors her cheeks.

Pyrrha: W-well...I w-was going to try asking a date. I was thinking of...maybe t-topping it with a k-kiss...but, I-I don't know if I'm a good kisser at all.

Vergil rubs his neck while lowering Yamato onto his hip.

Vergil: I you need help with your confidence?

Pyrrha: Y-yes...and, I was wondering...if you could help me...

Vergil: Well, I would never refuse to help you, Pyrrha. So, what do you have in mind?

Pyrrha begins to explain, but she becomes as red as her hair as she stutters.

Pyrrha: I-If you don't m-mind, um...I w-was thinking...I could k-kiss you?

An almost awkward silence fills the air, when Vergil rubs the nape of his neck again.

Vergil: I see...

Pyrrha: I-I-I know you're already in a r-relationship with RWBY, so I know if t-this seems wrong, a-and I'll understand if you say no...I just--

Before she could finish her sentence, Vergil suddenly hugs her, after temporarily storing Yamato away, and the redheaded warrior squeaks.

Vergil: Don't worry, it'll be just one kiss. Besides, as you said, I'm with four other girls. However, they don't mind if it's you.

Pyrrha: T-they don't?

Vergil: I figured you'd ask of me something like this sooner or later, especially since this is about Jaune. So, I've already cleared it with them. In a layman's terms, you don't need to be worried.

He gives her a reassuring smile, and she calms down.

Pyrrha: O-okay...this will be just a kiss...between friends, right?

Vergil: Yes, you don't need to be so anxious.

Slowly, Pyrrha raises her head, and gazes into Vergil's dark blue eyes, and her green ones sparkle under the sunlight. She leans forward with parted lips, and Vergil follows her movement. The two brush their lips together, and Pyrrha rests her hands on Vergil's chest, while he places his around her back. He leans against the pillar to avoid falling over, as he tastes raspberry in their kiss. Pyrrha starts pushing more, and Vergil allows her, while they let their hands travel around each other's bodies.

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