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Vergil: Get out of the way.

Without asking, everyone jumps back, and he slashes the incoming rock in half before it reaches the ground. The two halves landed around them with very loud booms.

Yang: What the hell threw that?!

As if on cue, something starts coming out from the forest. It knocks down a couple trees along the way.

Vergil: There's our culprit.

Standing at a max height of 15 feet, the Vartoja Monarg is an extremely rare species of Grimm

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Standing at a max height of 15 feet, the Vartoja Monarg is an extremely rare species of Grimm. It has only been seen exactly twice around the world. One in Vacuo, and one in Mistral. Little to nothing is known about them, besides their violent and explosive behavior. Only Vergil knew about it because he has killed the one that was sighted in Vacuo, and that one gave him some problems.

Blake: What on Remnant is that thing?!

Vergil quickly takes the front as he grips Yamato.

Vergil: That is a Vartoja Monarg. All of you, I suggest you start running.

Yang: W-what, Vergil?! You can't be serious!

Blake: You can't fight that thing on your own!

He shoots a glare at all of them.

Vergil: This isn't up for discussion. Leave.

They looked at the Vartoja, then at Vergil.

Weiss: You better make it back!

Yang: I still got lots to talk to you about!

Vergil: Yes, yes, I'll get back to you when I'm done.

Everyone is shocked at how calm Vergil is, but they trust him. They all start running, and the last one to leave is Pyrrha. She looks at him in worry.

Pyrrha: We still need to catch up!

He gives Pyrrha a smirk, and that was all she needed to be reassured. She sprints off to catch up with everyone else. While taking a deep breath, Vergil faces the Vartoja.

Vergil: I've already killed one of you. Doing it a second time will be easier. I'll even nix my Quicksilver. After all, this could be just what I needed, a great training session.

It roars into the sky, and lunges at Vergil with speed that shouldn't be possessed by a Grimm of that size. Vergil side steps it's charge as it barrels through a few trees, before it turns around and snarls at him.

Vergil: Hmm, You seem to be much weaker then the one I fought in Vacuo. Like a wild bull seeing red. Well...I hope you can at least entertain me, because I don't like having my time wasted.

It charges again, and Vergil prepares to side step, but it suddenly stops in front of him and tries to squash Vergil with it's hand. Jumping back, Vergil launches a number of summoned swords at the Vartoja's knees. Each of them find their mark, but it doesn't seem to phase the beast. It stomps it's tree trunk-sized legs, and goes to impale Vergil with the horns on it's head. Deflecting the horn with Yamato, Vergil activates his summoned swords again, and this time he controls them to orbit around his body as he runs under the Vartoja, with the blades slicing it's legs as he goes. He jumps up onto it's head, and uses it as a launching pad, forcing it to face plant into the ground. While doing so, the horns on the Vartoja's head gets stabbed deep into the ground, leaving the monster vulnerable. It wildly struggles to free it's head, and Vergil launches the eight summoned swords he had spinning around him into the spine of the Grimm, then unleashes a Judgement Cut at it's legs, slicing them off completely. Crashing into the ground, the Vartoja bellows, and attempts to slap at Vergil with it's clawed hands. He responds by slicing off both of it's arms at the elbows, and it falls backwards. Now reduced to just a torso, it stares at Vergil tensely. If a Grimm could feel fear, the Vartoja was probably full of it right now. Vergil smiles at the hurt beast as he slowly walks towards it.

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