DxD Bio Update

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Age: 18

Height: 6'5

Race: Half Human, Half Demon

Nicknames: The Dark Slayer, Son of Sparda

Likes: Meditating, combat, silencing fools, entertaining battles and lastly, POWER

Dislikes: Anyone who underestimates him, boring fights, arrogant and cocky people, fools


The Yamato


Powers and Spells:

Dark Slayer Style: Vergil can attack with blinding speed, visibly similar to teleportation.

Regeneration: Any wounds dealt to Vergil heal immediately, can even recover from holy sword attacks. Basically Riser, but obviously better. Yes, this does have it's limits. His regeneration can be overwhelmed, but takes the hardest hitting attacks to do so.

Rebellion: Enhances Vergil's physical prowess as well as speed.

Berial's Flames: Large pillar of lava that will erupt where the enemy is standing.

Nevan's Lightning: Large bolts of lightning that rain down from the skies.

Arcane Charge: A boost that enhances magic power. Usable on others as well (Akeno, Rias).

Dante's Inferno: Yamato becomes engulfed by black flames. Each strike Vergil hits with Yamato during this state, his opponent suffers burns from the fires of the deepest pits of Hell.

Cerberus' Frost: A wave of mist capable of freezing enemies in place.

Royal Guard: A spherical barrier that can hold up to four people. Able to withstand many brutal attacks before fading. Also capable of reflecting spells if timed perfectly.

Annihilation: An explosive spell that takes time to form. A light ball of energy that will slowly descend towards the ground. Vergil can form this orb at any distance, be it directly above him or a few miles away. Upon impact, it will explode, with a blast radius almost five times the size of a football field. Only usable once per day.

Devil Trigger:

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