10K Special: Drooping Rose

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Warning: this chapter includes waves of feels, so get your box of tissues ready ;_;


Ruby: Come on, come on, we're almost there!

Vergil: Alright, you don't need to drag.

Ruby grabs Vergil's hand as she takes him up a small mountain side. As they approach a clearing in the path, the scythe wielder of RWBY slowly loses her normal joyful attitude, and it is replaced with a calm and almost sad expression.

Ruby: Okay...we're here.

*Flashback: a few hours ago*

Back in Beacon, Vergil is in RWBY'S dorm as they all do their own things. Though he notices Ruby is more quiet today, which also doesn't go unnoticed by the rest of the team.

Blake: Uh, Ruby, are you okay?

Looking up from the floor, Ruby nods with a small smile.

Ruby: Hm? O-oh, yeah, I'm okay.

Weiss: Are you sure? You're not as...energetic like you normally are.

Ruby: Pfft, what're you talking about? I'm always energetic!

She hops to her feet, and skips towards the door.

Ruby: I'm gonna go out for a little. I'll see you guys later!

She closes the door behind her as she leaves, while everyone else looked on in worry.

Blake: Um...what was that?

Vergil: That...was strange, even for Ruby.

He notices Yang sighing sadly, scratching her chin as she glances at the door.

Yang: It's that day, huh?

Vergil: What do you mean, Yang?

Yang: Today...is the anniversary of the disappearance of Ruby's mother...

Blake and Weiss go wide-eyed as they look back to the door, while Vergil's breathing hitches, but he shakes his head.

Blake: R-really? That's terrible...

Weiss: No way...

Vergil: ...How old was Ruby when she disappeared?

Yang, while taking a deep breath, rests her chin on her knuckles.

Yang: She was a toddler, while I was about 6 or 7, when her mom went missing. I remember it was during a mission Ozpin assigned her...

Vergil's eyes narrow when he looks out the window, towards Ozpin's tower/office.

Vergil: (Tch, what could he possibly have wanted her to do?)

The room goes quiet for a minute, when Yang turns to Vergil.

Yang: Vergil, could you...go with her? Whenever she visits her mom's stone, she...would come back without talking to anyone for the rest of the day...sometimes, I would find her crying in her sleep, so I'd lay with her until she calmed down.

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