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Even from a few rooms down, Vergil could hear Nora screaming.

Nora: Oh god! The aliens have finally found us! We're all gonna die! Judgement day is here! Ren, Get our weapons! We're going to war! It's time to fight for our freedom!

Rubbing his face in exasperation, Vergil groans.

Vergil: I sincerely hope they get the lights on soon. I don't want to hear that shrieking the whole evening.

Weiss: Well, considering it's going to be midnight in about two hours, I'm sure they'll get the lights back on by morning.

With that, she and Ruby go to their respective beds, while Blake invites Vergil to hers. Taking a seat next to the cat faunus, Vergil finds her already curling up onto his lap.

Vergil: Miss me already?

Blake: Nyaaah...I was just hoping we could continue our snuggle after I woke up.

She looks down while pouting, and Vergil rubs her ears.

Vergil: Alright, how about I take you out for a nice lunch tomorrow, as an apology?

After not receiving a response, he sighs.

Vergil: ...I'll make sure it's seafood. Does smoked salmon sound good?

Her cat ears perking up, Blake's amber eyes shine in the dark as she nods quickly.

Blake: That's all you had to say.

Vergil: Of course it was.

He notices some movement beside him, and looks over to see Yang, being uncharacteristically bashful.

Vergil: Yang? What do you need?

Yang: Well, um...I was going to take my bike to a mechanic tonight, but with the power outage, the garage doors won't open. So, uh...I was wondering...if you could help me out?

Gazing at her for a moment, he gives an affirming nod.

Vergil: Of course. I have nothing else in mind for tonight.

Squealing in appreciation, Yang bearhugs him as she hops happily.

Yang: Ooh, thank you thank you thank you!

Vergil: Okay, take it easy. Though with the lights out, I won't be able to see clearly...and using my flaming blades as a light source will possibly melt or ruin parts of the bike.

Blake: I could be your eyes then.

Glancing down at the cat faunus, Vergil rubs her head with a smile.

Vergil: You read my mind, I was just about to ask you.

Blake: Heh, well I am the only one with night vision here.

Yang: Alright, let's get going!

Lifting the two in her arms, Yang carries and dashes out of the room with Vergil and Blake, leaving Ruby and Weiss.

Ruby: Make sure to watch your step! Ehehe...soooo, what should we do?

Weiss: I'm going to bed early. G'night.

With the ice queen now snoozing, the cookie monster of RWBY puffs her cheeks with boredom.

Ruby: Phooey...


Now in one of Beacon's garages, Vergil goes to work on Yang's motorcycle Bumblebee. Since his sleeves would get in the way, he decides to go coatless.

 Since his sleeves would get in the way, he decides to go coatless

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