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It has been a few weeks since the incident with Roman and the White Fang, and Vergil is in deep thoughts, while RWBY are doing various things during lunch. Blake is going through some papers with sketches, Yang is catching food from Nora across from them, and Weiss is ignoring the noise as she eats. Ruby is gone somewhere, leaving the three girls without their leader. Yang peeks over Blake's shoulder as she writes.

Yang: Whatcha doing?

Blake jumps slightly and closes her notebook.

Blake: N-nothing, just...going over notes from last semester.

Yang: Laaame.

She catches another berry from Nora, who gives a thumbs up. Suddenly, Ruby comes back, and slams a large binder onto the lunch table. There is a large label on the front of the binder, which says "Vytal Festival Activities: Property of Weiss Schnee". That text had been crossed out with what looks like red marker, and has been replaced with "Best Day Ever Activities". Ruby clears her throat as she addresses everyone.

Ruby: Ahem...sisters, friends...Weiss.

Weiss: Hey!

Ruby: Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream.

Vergil gazes at her with a puzzled look on his face, while Yang sighs.

Yang: This ought to be good.

She catches yet another fruit in her mouth, and Nora giggles into her hand.

Ruby: A dream that one day, the five of us will come together as a team. And have the most fun anyone has ever had...ever!

Weiss glances at the binder for a moment before glaring at Ruby.

Weiss: Did you steal my binder?!

Ruby, while holding a hand over her heart, shakes her head.

Ruby: I am no crook.

Blake: ...What are you talking about?

Ruby: I'm talking about kicking off the semester with a bang!

She throws a finger gun at Blake, and Yang grins.

Yang: I always kick my semesters off with a Yang! Eh? Get it?

Everyone groans, even Vergil shakes his head in disappointment.

Vergil: Please, Yang, don't do this...

An apple comes flying, and hits Yang square in the face. She glares at the culprit, who is cupping her hands over her mouth.

Nora: Boooooooooo!

Ruby: C'mon guys! It's been a good two weeks and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great! But, classes start up tomorrow! Which is why, I've taken the time to come up with a schedule for a series of wonderful events for us today!

Weiss: I...don't know whether I should be proud, or scared of what you have in store for us.

Vergil shrugs while sighing.

Vergil: It's better than having nothing.

Yang takes the apple that hit her in the face, and she chucks it across the cafeteria. She seems to have nailed someone as a yelp can be heard from another part of the room.

Blake: I don't know. I think I'll sit this one out.

Weiss: Well, sit out or not, I think that however we spend this day, we should do it as a team!

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