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Without Vergil or Qrow to help, RNJR are forced to take on a brutal gauntlet in the form of two Nuckelavee.

Ruby: We gotta keep them away from Vergil and Qrow!

Jaune: Ugh, I'm working on that--whoa!

Jaune, while dragging the two wounded out of harm's way, almost gets trampled by one of the Nuckelavee if it weren't for Nora smashing her hammer across the horse's body. Although the most that did was stun the Grimm, it gave Jaune time to get Qrow and Vergil away from the fight, sitting the two against a building before joining everyone else.

Ruby: We gotta make sure neither of them get near those two! Jaune, you're with me! Ren and Nora, you guys deal with the other one!

Nora: Roger that, chief!

Ren: Let's go!

With the four charging towards their assigned targets, RNJR does their best to keep the Grimm at bay. As Ruby and Jaune lead their Nuckelavee a little further away from everyone else, Ren and Nora stare at the creature they are about to face off. They look to each other, nod, and begin the battle. With StormFlower in his hands, Ren runs under the Nuckelavee while slashing at it's legs, before jumping vertically onto it's back, only to get swatted by the top half of the Grimm in the form of an imp.

Nora: Ren!

Seeing the black-haired ninja get smacked away, Nora rushes towards the Nuckelavee with anger. While running towards it, the ginger powerhouse transforms her hammer to a grenade launcher, using the recoil to launch her up into the air. At the same time, Maghnild reverts back to it's hammer shape, and she brings it down onto the Grimm's horse head. The large Grimm crashes to the ground, and lets out an ear-splitting screech in Nora's face, momentarily deafening her, taking advantage of her vulnerability to extend and swing an arm at her like a broom. She is sent flying back, but quickly slams her hammer into the cement to catch herself, left groaning in frustration.

Nora: Ugh, what is with these things?!

Ren comes dashing back to help Nora, and the Nuckelavee quickly thrusts it's left arm at him, though he is able to avoid the attack while jumping onto the limb like a tightrope, running up it's arm before driving the two blades of his pistol/dagger combination through the imp's face.

Ren: Damn you!

With the bottoms of his pistols embedded into the Nuckelavee's top head, Ren was also at an angle where he could shoot at the second Nuckelavee, which he did with no hesitation. He peppers the other Grimm with bullets, making it clop backwards, which provided time for Jaune and Ruby to recollect themselves after being given a hard time.

Ruby: Now's our chance!

Launching forward by using her sniper rifle scythe, the Red Reaper swings her weapon at the legs of the Grimm, effectively crippling it momentarily.

Jaune: Take this!

As he runs towards the centaur Grimm with all the speed he has, Jaune jumps upwards and slashes at the gut of the Nuckelavee, making it bellow to the sky in agony. With one Grimm temporarily knocked down, Ruby and Jaune rush to help Ren and Nora before they get overwhelmed.

Ruby: On your left, guys!

Coming up from behind Ren, the black-haired boy quickly ducks, and Ruby flies over him before blasting the other Nuckelavee square in the imp face with an enflamed sniper bullet. The Grimm's head becomes enveloped with fire, and it runs around like a headless chicken, crashing into other buildings making them collapse.

Jaune: Put that fire out! It'll keep rampaging if it stays that way--

The blonde gets interrupted by a hoof to the face, via the crazed centaur-like Grimm hitting him with a kick.

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