10K Special: Cat's Shadow

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During a warm day in the Forever Fall Forest, Vergil and Blake lay down on a large and thick branch on an even bigger tree. Blake is laying down on top of Vergil, her head and perky cat ears right below his chin. He has his arms wrapped around her hips as he reads The Book of Urizen, by William Blake, to her.

Vergil: Dark, revolving in silent activity:
Unseen in tormenting passions:
An activity unknown and horrible,
A self-contemplating shadow,
In enormous labours occupied.

Blake watches in interest while snuggling onto Vergil's lap.

Blake: This is actually a really interesting book. You said this was the only one left in Vale?

Vergil: That's correct. Not a lot of people like poems anymore, so books like these ones are left to collect dust in the libraries. If anything, I'm glad I was able to gain this one before it would be sent off to God knows where.

Blake: Heh, I might start becoming interested soon, too.

Vergil: That'd be one more thing we may have in common.

Blake: And I wouldn't mind that~

She mischievously shakes her butt on his crotch, though his stoic expression doesn't break. Instead, he scratches the spot behind her cat ears, and the faunus purrs in delight. While looking up, Vergil admires the sunset, which is enhancing the beauty of the red forest.

Vergil: What an enchanting sight, right?

Blake: Mm-hmm.

Vergil: What are the others up to? I haven't seen them around very much today.

Blake: Well, Yang is training with JNPR, Ruby is playing around with her dog, and I believe Weiss is out shopping with Coco.

Vergil: Then that just leaves us.

Blake: That sounds good to me.

She then looks back at the horizon, and sighs.

Blake: You know, since our time at Beacon, we rarely get moments like this. Just staying still, enjoying what we have. We're always busy, whether if it's training or fighting Grimm. Our lives are probably no longer considered normal.

Vergil: You have a point there. Now, I'm not one to think negatively, though we should enjoy these moments to the fullest. Because once we complete our training and become huntsmen and huntresses, we'll have even less time to spend as we please.

Blake: Yeah...you're right about that.

Her cat ears droop, and he rubs the spot between them as he gives her a reassuring smile.

Vergil: But, we still have time until we take the next step. So as I said, let's enjoy these moments to the fullest. For example, I still remember all those times Yang would try to tempt you with a laser pointer.

Blake: It was easy to resist at first. But then she started using it almost every day. One moment, I'm reading my novels, and the next, I'm suddenly clawing at a wall.

Vergil: Honestly, I found it quite cute. Then there was that one morning, I woke up in your bed. Heh, we both chased Yang around the building for almost an hour.

Blake laughs a little as she nods.

Blake: She ran right into Jaune, headbutted him right in the nose. But that wasn't what made me crack up. It was the noise he made on impact.

The both of them chuckle as they reminisced about previous events. Vergil glances down at his gloved hands, gripping them together.

Vergil: These months I've been at Beacon, with you, Weiss, Ruby and Yang...I've truly enjoyed them. Before I came here, I was a lone wolf. I didn't care much about others, and I didn't socialize with anyone. Now, I can't imagine a day without you four girls. So, I should...no, I need to thank you. From the bottom of my heart. You have all brought the brightness back to my dull days. Without you, I'd be lost with no meaning but to live for vengeance.

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