RWBY 37: Power

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Mission 37: Power

Bring forth what was sealed.




Vergil: ...Summer? What are you doing here?

Looking down towards the two women on the floor, Vergil tilts his head.

Summer: I just wanted to see how my best friend was doing! Then I heard what she said, and I panicked!

She then turns to Raven with a pout.

Summer: He's already my husband, so you can't take him!

Raven: Oh? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Vergil already in a polygamous relationship?

Summer: W-well...yeah...

Raven: Then I see no problem with me being included.

Putting her hands on her friend's shoulders, Raven stands up and positions Summer to the side, before grabbing Vergil.

Raven: As such, there are no valid reasons that can deny me a relationship with him.

Summer: There are plenty of reasons, I just don't have the energy to list all of them!

The maiden of summer grabs onto Vergil's arm as well, and now both women's chests are being smooshed against his shoulders, and the young Sparda groans and tries but fails to shrug them both off.

Vergil: Neither of you notice how I haven't even given a yes or no?

Raven: ...Ugh, fine.

The ravenette lets go of Vergil, although Summer doesn't.

Vergil: Summer, let go of me.

Summer: No.

Vergil: Please?

Summer: No.

Vergil: Summer--

Summer: No! I'll never let go!

Vergil: ...I'll give you a cookie.

With that, the Rose releases her hold on Vergil.

Summer: Okay!

Vergil: Thank you. Now, Raven...before I take you with me to Mistral, I wish to test you.

Raven: Oh? How so?

Vergil: Come with me.

Turning on his heel, Vergil walks out of the tent, and Raven and Summer glance at each other before following. Now outside, Vergil looks up the clouds for a moment before walking out to the center of the camp.

Vergil: Hm, maybe this is enough room.

Turning around, he finds Raven and Summer walking towards him. At the same time, the men and women of the Branwen tribe stop what they're doing to watch them.

Vergil: I merely wish to test your mettle, Raven. If you are to join my side, I want to know just how strong you really are. That means you will fight me with everything you have, don't dare hold back on me.

Raven: Fine. Then I ask the same from you, Vergil Sparda. Come at me with 100% of your strength. Don't hold back as you have been.

For a second, Vergil was baffled. He narrows his eyes at the spring maiden, before chuckling.

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