DxD 8 Pt. 2

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Gazing at the swords, Vergil watches as Kiba lands in front of Asia, with a smile on his face.

Vergil: Good to see you made it, Kiba.

Kiba: Wouldn't miss this for anything.

With a smile, Rias gazes at her knight, before turning back to Akeno.

Rias: Akeno, more!

Akeno: Of course!

Her hand begins to spark with yellow lightning again, and she launches another powerful bolt at the Cerberus, while Rias fires another red blast at the hound. Both attacks connect, completely obliterating the creature, leaving behind a crater.

Issei: Awesome!

He rejoins Asia and Kiba, but before he could say anything else, Kokabiel interjects.

Kokabiel: "Awesome" is a bit of a stretch.

Everyone turns to the fallen angel with glares on their faces, and Vergil points Yamato at him with a smug smirk.

Vergil: I can hear the disappointment in your voice from here, Kokabiel. But I'm sure those hounds aren't the only things that have disappointed you in your life.

His comment causes Kokabiel to growl in irritation, while the girls try to stifle their giggling, and Issei snickers.

Kokabiel: Why, you...

Before he could start ranting, Rias flies up, and she prepares another explosive attack while aiming at Kokabiel.

Vergil: Here you go, Rias.

With a snap of his finger, a magic circle appears under Rias' feet, and she finishes her attack while yelling.

Rias: Take this!

She launches a large red and black ball of energy, and it rockets towards the leader class fallen. But before it could hit him, Kokabiel redirects it easily, forcing Rias to dodge. Her attack leaves a very big crater behind her, and he sneers.

Kokabiel: Impressive, look how much powerful you've gotten now that you have the assistance from a demon. Fascinating...but don't think I'll forget your words.

Suddenly, Valper speaks up from where he is.

Valper: It is complete!

The ORC turns back to the old man, and the pillars of light merge, enveloping the area in brightness for a moment before revealing a singular beam, with a sword inside.

Kiba: No!

Valper starts laughing as he raises his arms towards the result.

Valper: Finally, it is done!

Kokabiel: Now I can have the massive power as a result of the combined swords. That's our trade off. Sweet deal, don't you think?

Rias: So is that the power you used to make the ground collapse?

The sword begins to descend to the floor, and Issei steps forward with disbelief.

Issei: Seriously? You're gonna use that to make our town disappear?

Valper: Heheh, I suggest you all leave quickly. This whole area is going to be destroyed in 20 minutes.

Xenovia jumps to another roof as she watches in anger, and Kokabiel rises from his throne.

Kokabiel: If you want to stop it, you have to defeat me.

His 10 black wings then sprout from his back, and he grins maniacally.

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