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As Vergil begins to wake up, he feels a soft shape wrapped around him. He goes to rub his half-lidded eyes when he realizes his arms are pinned to his sides. Then the shape speaks to him in a familiar voice.

Summer: Morning, sweetie~

His eyes now open, he finds Summer entangled with his body, a cute grin on her face. Then he notices she is almost naked, only wearing a black-laced bra and panties.

Her breasts are smooshed against his core, and she's drawing a line up and down his abdomen with a finger

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Her breasts are smooshed against his core, and she's drawing a line up and down his abdomen with a finger.

Vergil: ...Summer, why are you naked? I know we didn't do anything last night.

Summer: What can I say? I just sleep like this from time to time. You don't mind, do you?

Vergil: If I say I do mind, are you gonna freeze my wrists over my head again?

With a fox-like smirk, Summer pecks his cheek.

Summer: Mm, I dunno. Maybe~

Vergil: Okay...well, it's another free day today. I'll take you to town for a new weapon.

He untangles their bodies as he attempts to stand up, but Summer quickly grabs his arm and yanks him back onto the bed.

Vergil: Guh!?

Summer wraps around him again, shaking her head like a child throwing a tantrum.

Summer: No! I don't wanna get out of bed yet!

Vergil: Let go of me, woman!

Summer: No!


Later during the day, Vergil and Summer walk down the clean streets of Vale, the red and white clad young woman humming happily. Meanwhile, Vergil groans as he shakes his wrists.

Vergil: I can't believe you actually bound me to the bed with that ice...using your maiden powers for such a thing...

Summer: Oh, don't be so grumpy! After all, you were able to be stuck in bed with an attractive young woman!

She giggles while resting her head on his shoulder, when he sighs.

Vergil: I can really see where Ruby gets her endless amounts of energy...

Summer: Ehehe, like mother like daughter.

They make their way down towards a small weapon shop. Vergil nods to the gruff-looking man behind the counter, while Summer gapes at the variety of weapons.

Summer: Ooh, there's so many! I don't know which to choose from!

She seems to find something that catches her eye as she bends down slightly. Vergil chuckles as she ogles at the weapons, when he catches the man at the counter staring at her butt. With a glare, Vergil summons a blazing sword, aiming it at the man and causing him to whimper in fear and look away from Summer.

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