10K Special: Royal Test

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Winter has struck Vale, and no. Not that Winter. Watching the snowflakes slowly flutter down through the window of RWBY's dorm, Vergil sighs while rubbing his hands. Despite the looks of the slowly falling snow, it is much colder than it seems.

Vergil: Goodness, it's cold...

He looks over to the girls, who are also trying to stay warm. Blake, Yang and Ruby are bundled into their blankets, while Weiss is studying like normal.

Ruby: Weiss, how are you not affected by this?

Weiss: Well, I basically grew up in an ice cube, so this is nothing.

Yang: C'mon, Weiss cream. Can't you share your immunity to the cold with the rest of us?

Glaring at the busty blonde, Weiss rolls her eyes.

Weiss: Why not, because I can easily distribute my body heat like it was a physical object.

Yang: ...Is that a no?

Weiss: Yes, it's a no!

Yang whines cutely before diving into her blankets. Ruby peeks over hers to Vergil, who is gripping his hands.

Ruby: Are you okay, Vergil?

Vergil: Hm? Oh, yes. I'm just remembering an old foe I defeated a long time ago. They used lots of ice-based attacks, so this is giving me some...unpleasant nostalgia. I had to thaw out my legs...

He stands up, and stretches while gazing at the gray sky.

Vergil: We'll freeze at this rate, so I'm going to get us a heater, since the school apparently didn't expect to be hit by such a chilly day.

Blake: Are you sure?

Yang: You don't have to do that for us.

Calmly shaking his head, Vergil holds Yamato in it's scabbard.

Vergil: A little cold isn't gonna harm me. Trust me, I've been through far worse.

Weiss, while placing her pencil down, turns from the desk to Vergil.

Weiss: Well, I'm finished with my studying, so I'll come with you.

Vergil: Alright then. We should get some hot drinks for everyone as well.

Ruby: Ooh, hot cocoa sounds awesome!

Yang: Me too!

Blake: ...Alright. I'm fine with that as well. Just be safe out there.

Vergil: Okay.

He walks over to the door, but not before giving RBY brief kisses on their heads.

Vergil: We'll be back soon.

Weiss: Don't miss us too much.

Ruby: Mm-hmm! Be safe!

With that, Vergil and Weiss leave the room, and they head into the snowy town of Vale.


As they trudge through the light snow, Vergil shakes the snow out of his already white hair.

Vergil: I still can't believe you're actually accustomed to this sort of weather.

Weiss: It has its benefits, of course.

She hugs Vergil's right arm as she smiles at him.

Weiss: I didn't just want to come with you for the buying, you know.

Vergil: Oh? Then tell me...

He leans down, and whispers into her ear.

Vergil: Just what else made you want to come with me~?

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