RWBY 36: Rebound

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Mission 36: Rebound

Redeem yourself.






When a warrior like Vergil is knocked down in battle, their pride becomes devastated. Of course, he is wholly capable of recovering from being reduced to such a humiliating state. The only question that remains is: will this "loss" affect him in the long run? That question shall have to be saved later, as the Dark Slayer begins to awaken after his collapse in Kuroyuri.

Vergil: Mmhh...

Slowly sitting up from what he feels is a bed, Vergil squints his eyes to adjust to the room that is brightened by the sun that is shining down from above. He tries to get up, when he feels a moderate weight on his left leg, while looking over to find Ruby passed out, sleeping on top of him while sitting on a chair in front of the bed.

Vergil: Heh, always gonna be looking out for me, hm?

He rubs her head gently, before slowly moving her off his leg so he can stand up. Then, Vergil remembers his injuries, and checks his midsection and leg, only to no longer feel any pain.

Vergil: About damn time...

Quietly going into the bathroom to change out of his nightwear, Vergil steps out again, but not before kneeling down to kiss Ruby on top of her head.

Vergil: I'll see you in a few minutes, Ruby.

Rising up to his feet, Vergil leaves the room, and closes the door behind him. He catches the scent of food being cooked, and he follows for the source, finding Ren, Nora and Jaune in the kitchen.

Vergil: I assume that is breakfast you're making?

Perking up from the sound of his voice, the three teens, moreso Ren and Nora, brighten up to see the Dark Slayer awake.

Ren: Look who's up.

Nora: Heheh, it's good to see you're alright, Vergil.

Vergil: Glad to be up. How are all of you?

Ren: We should be asking you that exact question.

Vergil: You won't need to worry about me any longer. I have fully healed, and I don't intend on being in such a state like that ever again.

Nora: Mm, don't strain yourself, okay? Honestly, you worried us, even if you were only out for the night.

Vergil: I see...I apologize for worrying you. I do remember some bullheads from Mistral arriving before I passed out. Is that where we are?

Nora: Uh-huh! We arrived about 5 hours ago, then we got to check out the city! It was so cool!

Ren: Qrow has also recovered, and wants us to go to Haven Academy later on, where we are to meet with the headmaster there.

Vergil: Alright. Speaking of him, where is Qrow right now?

Ren: I...believe he is out in the city.

Vergil nods, and looks out the window towards the city, while Nora glances over to Jaune, who does not seem to be in a smiling mood.

Nora: Jaune, stop sulking around and put a smile on your face. Everyone's all healed up, and we made it to Mistral!

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