200K Special: RWBY/DxD

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(This is semi-canon, and will take place as if Vergil had already reawakened to his power beforehand.)

Explain supernatural circumstances. Part One.


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With another day in Beacon, as the sun is rising in the blue sky, Vergil feels a need to visit some old faces.

Vergil: (Hm, it's been quite some time since I've been to Kuoh. I should let the others know I'm gonna be gone for a little bit. Though I'm sure a note is sufficient enough.)

Though as he gets up from his bed, a knocking could be heard at his door.

Vergil: It's unlocked. You can come in.

The door opens, and RWBY walks into his room. Yang waves enthusiastically with a big smile on her face.

Yang: Heya, Vergil!

Vergil: Good day to all of you. Is there something you need?

Ruby: Nah, we just wanted to see you!

Vergil: I see...well you got me right on time. I was just about to leave.

Blake: Hm? Are you going out somewhere?

Vergil: That's correct. The place I'm going is...rather far, so I need to take a portal.

Weiss: Really? How far do you mean?

Glancing up to the ceiling of his room, Vergil thinks for a moment.

Vergil: It's not exactly measurable. I'm going to see some old friends, however, so I may be gone for a while.

Ruby: Okay! We can probably make some plans while you're gone or something!

Vergil: Sounds good. In that case, I'll take my leave. I'll see you all later.

As Vergil grabs hold onto Yamato's grip, he feels a weird sensation, but he can not tell where it is coming from. When he slices the air before him for a portal, a strong vacuum suddenly forms, making Vergil do a double take.

Vergil: Ugh, what the hell is this?!

Meanwhile, the girls of team RWBY are all trying to hold onto something. Ruby is grabbing onto a bookshelf, which is for some reason isn't being dragged towards the portal at all, which is the case for every material in the room. Yang is holding onto the leg of the bed, while Blake and Weiss are using their weapons to anchor themselves to the ground.

Ruby: Uwaaaaaahhh! Are we getting abducted by aliens?!

Yang: What on Remnant is going on?!

Weiss: I'm too young and pretty to die!

Blake: Vergil, what's wrong with your portal?!

Vergil: This has never happened before!

The door to Vergil's room swings open, and in comes JNPR.

Jaune: Guys, what's with the screaming--

Before the blond boy could say anything else, he gets swept off his feet, colliding with Weiss as the two get sucked into the portal.

Pyrrha: Jaune!

The redheaded warrior quickly jumps into the portal after her leader, though that may have not been by choice as she was already off her feet at the time.

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