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Ozpin: Vergil...I--

Vergil: Actually, save it. You'll explain yourself when Summer is fully healed.

He glances at Glynda, who is still shell shocked.

Vergil: Ms. Goodwitch, I trust that you won't let RWBY hear about this?

Goodwitch: H-huh? U-um, alright...but if I may ask: why do you not want them to hear about this yet?

Vergil: Because I don't want Yang and Ruby to see her in this state. While they'd be relieved to see her alive, they may be traumatized by her current condition. So I'm taking her to the hospital.

Slowly nodding, Goodwitch complies.

Goodwitch: can trust me.

Vergil: Hmph, trust...that idea is just thrown around these days, don't you think?

After staring at Goodwitch as she stays silent in response, Vergil turns to leave the office, when he looks over his shoulder, at Ozpin.

Vergil: That mission you assigned Summer...I can't wait to hear what you wanted her to do.

He takes the elevator down before Ozpin could say anything else to him. While going down, he gazes into Summer's sleeping face.

Vergil: (Take all the time you need, Summer. You deserve it after enduring years of isolation and pain.)


8 days have passed since Vergil brought Summer into the hospital. He has been there every day, as she gradually got better and better. At the same time, the two of them have slowly gotten closer as the days went by. Now waiting in the lobby, Vergil rests his chin on his knuckles, his hands on top of Yamato's hilt, while waiting for the doctor. Soon, the doctor taking care of Summer comes out of her room, a surprised smile on his face.

Vergil: How is she, doctor?

Male Doctor: It's incredible. She's like a recharged battery. If I first saw her now than the first time you brought her in, I'd think she was a completely different person. Oh, forgive my rudeness, you may see her if you'd like. I'll get the papers done for you, so she can leave whenever she's ready.

He walks away as a nurse approaches him. Turning to the door, Vergil opens it and walks inside. There, he sees her standing next to the bed, her hands clasped together. When Summer hears the door open, she turns, and Vergil smiles for her.

 When Summer hears the door open, she turns, and Vergil smiles for her

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Vergil: Looking better already, Ms. Rose.

She giggles, and skips over to Vergil.

Summer: Yup! I feel like I've been reborn! Oh, and I have already told you: no need for the formalities, and no need to call me Ms. Rose. Just call me Summer!

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