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The next morning, Vergil sluggishly awakens, and finds Ruby cuddling onto his body, her head buried in his chest, quietly snoring.

Ruby: Huuu....huuuuu.....

Amused by her cuteness, Vergil caresses her cheek with his thumb, and she smiles through her slumber. He hears the snap of a branch from nearby, and he turns his gaze to find Jaune standing there.

Vergil: You're up already, Jaune?

Jaune: Heh, yeah, uh, I woke up early. So, I  checked the perimeter for any nearby Grimm. We're safe for now.

Vergil: Alright. Ren and Nora are still asleep, can you get them up?

Jaune: Yeah, got it.

He walks over to where Ren and Nora lay asleep, while Vergil turns his attention to the cute reaper lying next to him. Gently rubbing her head, Vergil calls for her in a soft voice.

Vergil: Ruby, it's time to get up.

She responds by subconsciously holding his hand with her own, mumbling quietly.

Ruby: Mm, I wuv youu...

Vergil: I love you too, now get up.

She moans, covering her eyes with her arms as the sunlight almost blinds her.

Ruby: Nooo...too bright...stay with me...

And she falls asleep again. Very carefully, Vergil moves Ruby off of him, and he stands up from the sleeping bag.

Vergil: How long ago did you analyze our surroundings?

Jaune: Um, 'bout an hour...I think.

Vergil: Alright, I'll do the same, since we don't know what to expect out here. Wake the others up, and I'll be back in...I'll say 10 minutes.

Vergil sets off before Jaune could say anything, leaving the boy scratching his head in confusion.


While Vergil walks away from the others, Jaune looks over to Ruby, who is beginning to fully wake up.

Ruby: Mm...hey, Jaune...

Jaune: Good morning, Ruby.

Taking a look around, Ruby tilts her head, wondering about the missing Dark Slayer.

Ruby: Where's Vergil?

Jaune: He actually woke up just before you did. He's looking around our surroundings, in case there's any danger nearby.

Ruby: Okay...

Sitting up from the sleeping bag, Ruby stretches her arms, yawning quite cutely, before Jaune asks a question to the girl.

Jaune: Hey, uh, Ruby...why do you like Vergil? A-as in, liking him more than just a friend?

Taking a second to process the question, Ruby scratches her cheek, a faint blush coloring her cheeks.

Ruby: U-um...why do you ask?

Jaune: Huh? Oh, I'm just...curious, I guess.

Ruby: W-well...there's this air of mystique about him. The way he carries himself, how he speaks, it sort of just draws me in. I can't get my eyes off him, or I can't stop thinking about him...n-not that I mean that as a bad thing.

Smiling lightly to herself, Ruby stands up on her feet.

Ruby: There's more I'd say, but I don't want to go on longer.

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