Teaser to Sequel

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The Grimm Queen Salem, who was watching what transpired at Haven, groans with disappointment. Three pawns have been executed, and two of her more useful ones had abandoned their posts. Though she had to admit, she was impressed by their will to live by avoiding an altercation with the Sparda brothers.

Salem: Mm, almost commendable.

Though her words were calm, there was wrath in her eyes. Looking down the few stairs leading to her throne, a bleeding Arthur Watts lays before her. He seems to be looking for something in his pocket, but can't find what he is looking for.

Salem: Oh Watts, you look so pathetic right now. So mortal...

She rises up from her seat, and walks over Arthur while motioning her hand towards his body. At the same time, a black ooze begins to cover the scientist's body, muffled groans of agony could be heard from underneath.

Salem: Now, I guess there will have to be a change of plans...

???: You truly are a foolish witch if you believe you can strike down the Sparda on your own.

The unsettling and gravelly voice shocking the Queen of Grimm, Salem whips around, her hands sparking with magical power, and finds a black fog covering the entrance to the conference room. As it slowly got closer to the pale woman, three red orbs reveal themselves from within. Salem begins to shiver at the pressure the orbs were giving off, though she stands her ground and clears her throat to avoid sounding weak.

Salem: Who...are you?

???: I am someone with a grudge, and the Sparda family line will end with Dante and Vergil.

Dun dun dun!

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