DxD 6 Pt. 1

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After the battle, everyone regroups in the club room, but Kiba is trying to leave. He has his back to Rias, who is shaking her head.

Rias: I won't let you leave me. You are a knight of the House of Gremory.

Kiba: ...President, I'm sorry. 

Rias: Yuuto--

He shuts the door closed behind him before she could finish. Everyone looks on in disbelief, while Vergil rests on the sofa, laying his head on Asia's lap.

Asia: Ki...Kiba...

Rias looks at her feet as she takes a shaky breath.

Rias: Yuuto...why?

Akeno, Issei and Koneko stare at the door Kiba went through as silence falls among the ORC.


The next day, Vergil walks out of the school building as classes are over, and under his jacket, his midsection is taped up, even though he has already healed. He can still hear Rias' words chiding him.

Rias: Vergil, I want you to avoid fighting. I know you are already healed, and you are not a part of my peerage, but of course I will still care about you. So please...do this for me, will you?

Vergil: Alright, I'll avoid putting myself in physical altercations...for now. 

Rias: I guess that will work...still, thank you!

Rubbing his neck in exasperation, Vergil cracks his shoulders as he strolls through the courtyard. As he goes, he notices Issei, Koneko and Saji whispering to each other. 

Vergil: (Hm...those three seem to be planning something...)

He shakes his head though, and he notices Asia approaching him.

Vergil: Oh, Asia. How has your day been?

Asia: It's been nice so far! I've been talking with Kiryuu more often.

Vergil: Ah, Aika Kiryuu, right? I hear she is an...unorthodox individual. Well, I'm glad you're making friends here. I've also heard you are getting along with Katase and Murayama, from the kendo club?

Asia: Mmhmm. They are very friendly with me! S-so, anyways...I, uh, wanted to ask if you would like to walk with me today!

Vergil nods as he takes her hand in his.

Vergil: Of course. I would never refuse an invite from you.

She turns red, and smiles cheerfully.

Asia: G-great! Let's get going then.

The two leave the school, and they head to the city.


As Vergil and Asia stroll through the city, Asia points out a nice cafe.

Asia: Ooh, look, there's a cafe over there! Would you like to try it?

Vergil: Okay, may as well.

She happily drags Vergil with her as they head to the outdoor tables and take their seats. In a few minutes, a young waitress steps towards them for their orders.

Vergil: I'll take an oolong green tea.

Asia: Hot cocoa for me, please!

With a smile and a nod, the waitress walks into their building, while Asia and Vergil wait for their drinks.

Vergil: You wouldn't happen to have seen Kiba during school, have you?

Her expression turning solemn, Asia shakes her head.

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