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The next morning, Vergil is awakened to the loud yelling of a girl with orange hair.

Hyper Girl: Wake up, lazy butt!

The girl is bouncing around a guy with black hair and pink streaks. He sits up while groaning.

Hyper Girl: It's morning, it's morning, it's morning!

Quiet Guy: Yes, Nora. It's the morning.

Nora: C'mon, Ren! We gotta get ready!

Vergil sits up and yawns. He gets up, goes to wash up, and heads to the locker room.


Vergil changes into his normal gear as he closes his locker. He overhears Ruby and Yang chatting, and he thinks about joining them, but he notices Weiss talking to someone he is quite familiar with: one Pyrrha Nikos. He walks over as he listens to their conversation.

Weiss: So, Pyrrha, have you given any thought on whose team you'd like to be on? I'm sure everyone must be eager to unite with such a strong, well-known individual such as yourself!

Pyrrha: Hmm...I'm not quite sure. I was just going to let the chips fall where they may.

Weiss: Well...I was thinking we could be on a team together.

Pyrrha: That sounds grand!

Weiss: Great!

Then Jaune walks over and comes in-between them as he goes for another attempt at obtaining Weiss's heart.

Jaune: You know what else is great? Me. Jaune Arc. Nice to meet you.

Weiss: Ugh. You again?

Pyrrha, wanting herself to be seen by him, tries to speak up.

Pyrrha: Nice to meet you, Jaune!

Jaune: Yeah, yeah.

He ignores her, and even pushes her out of the way. That ticks Vergil off, but he didn't want to be accused of manslaughter just yet. After all, it's Jaune.

Jaune: So, Weiss, couldn't help but overhear your fondness of me the other day.

Weiss: You've gotta be kidding me.

Jaune: No need to feel embarrassed! So, been hearing rumors about teams. I think you and me might make a good one. What do you say?

Pyrrha: A-actually, the teams are comprised of four students, so--

Jaune: You don't say...

He turns to Pyrrha with what could be either a flirtatious face or a dumb grin.

Jaune: Well, hot stuff, play your cards right, and maybe you could join the winning side.

Chuckling to himself, Vergil intervenes on the blond boy's futile attempts to win the two girls' hearts.

Vergil: Trying your luck with Pyrrha now, Jaune? I wouldn't advise it.

The redhead perks up from Vergil's voice, looks over at him, and she gasps.

Pyrrha: Vergil, is that you?!

Vergil: Hello there, Pyrrha--

He gets interrupted as he is tackle hugged by Pyrrha, being slammed against the rocket lockers from the impact. Of course, he felt no pain, and he groans with exasperation.

Vergil: Oof, good lord. You're even faster than before. You don't need to keep doing this.

Pyrrha embraces him with almost bone-crushing strength as she looks up at him with teary eyes.

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