RWBY 38: Test

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Prepare for a collision.





Now returning to Mistral from the Branwen tribe camp in Anima, Vergil, Summer and Raven find themselves in a quiet house, standing in a living room.

Summer: Huh? It doesn't look like anyone's here right now.

Vergil: For the most part. You two can settle here. Raven, you and I will discuss your conditions to our deal later.

While he speaks, Raven and Summer both sat down on the sofas that were located at the center of the room. Summer seems to enjoy the softness of the material, as she slumps into it with a smile on her face.

Summer: Ooh, these are pretty comfy!

Raven: You look like a freeloader right now.

Summer: Hey, you're in the same position as I am--

Before she could finish, Summer gets cut off by the front door opening and someone yelling.

???: Yeah, yeah, just hang on! Forgot something in the house!

The grizzled voice falters, and Qrow soon walks into the living room. He first notices Vergil, and waves at him.

Qrow: Yo, Vergil. Where have you...been...

Looking over to the couch, he finds Summer and Raven, and he goes wide-eyed at the sight of the latter.

Qrow: Summer? Raven!? What the hell are you doing here?!

Giving her brother a half-assed wave, Raven rolls her eyes.

Raven: What a way to greet your older sister, brother.

Qrow: Shut up! Answer the question!

Crossing her right leg over her left, Raven stares her brother in the eye, their intense crimson eyes meeting. Summer stands between the two of them, chuckling nervously.

Summer: O-okay everyone, let's just all calm down. No need to break anything in this nice little house.

Qrow: ...Fine. Ugh, haven't drank nearly enough for this...

Raven: Be careful, brother. We don't want you to be stumbling around here and accidentally hurt yourself, do we?

Her smug smirk causes a tick to appear on Qrow's forehead, and he forces a smile, though his annoyance was obvious.

Qrow: Whatever...what about you, Summer?

Summer: Hm? Oh, I kinda just followed them! I was initially intending on just visiting Raven, but now I'm here!

Qrow: ...Eh?

Summer: Ooh, how's Ruby? How's my adorable little rose petal?!

Qrow: Uh, well, since we're here, you could just ask her yourself. She's doing alright, though.

Summer: Aww, but this couch is so soft! I don't think I want to get up from here!

Qrow/Raven: ...I'll give you a cookie./You'll get a cookie.

And with that, Summer instantly shot up to her feet and launched herself out the door, in search of her daughter.

Qrow: Heh, always works.

Raven: Mm.

Qrow: Now...Vergil.

The younger Branwen turns to Vergil, who is leaning against the wall next to the front door. Qrow sizes him up, analyzing his body for any shifts while he crosses his arms.

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