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Vergil: You think you could continue walking, Ruby?

Ruby: Mm...nah, my legs are still a little wobbly. Besides, you're super strong! I bet this is nothing for you!

As RNJR and Vergil continue their journey to Haven, Ruby is being carried bridal style by Vergil, which has been going on for about two hours.

Nora: So, guys see anything?

Ren: For the twelfth time in the last three minutes, Nora, the next village is close by, we just need to keep walking.

Nora: Okaay...

Vergil chuckles at the two, and glances down to Ruby, who is gazing into his blue eyes with a blush on her face.

Vergil: Ruby, you want to get back on your feet now?

Letting out a disappointed sigh, Ruby pouts while puffing her cheeks.

Ruby: was fun while it lasted, at least.

Hopping off from Vergil's arms, Ruby walks side by side with the Dark Slayer, as the little red reaper holds her sniper scythe in her hands.

Ruby: You know, it's kinda weird. We haven't seen any Grimm for a while, you'd think we would at least run into a beowulf or an Ursa.

Nora: Well, maybe our luck is finally turning around!

Analyzing his surroundings, Vergil nods, then takes note of the two small black feathers flowing in the wind from the hillsides.

Vergil: Luck...right.

Nora: Ooh, that's the village! We found it!

The ginger-haired girl runs up ahead, towards a sign covered by dirt. Ruby follows, and the two of them quickly brush the filth off.

Nora: Let's see...Onee...youri?

Ren: Oniyuri. To keep it simple, think of it as Anima's version of Mountain Glenn, if it was never finished.

Vergil: I see...I'll guess this village wasn't left peacefully.

Ren: And you'd be correct. What happened here...always happens.

Jaune: Grimm...

Ren: Yes.

Ruby: Let's...keep going.

They walk into the village, the eerie silence filling the air as they look around. After a few minutes, Ren stops once again, with his fist raced next to his head.

Jaune: What's wrong?

Ren: Shh...something's coming...

Everyone quickly raises their weapons, as Ren closes his eyes. Through the soft breeze, the echoing sound of footsteps running could be heard.

Vergil: Tch, guess we found someone.

Then, the footsteps suddenly stop. What follows is a certain psycho lunging at the group from one of the village building's rooftop. He aims straight for Ruby, but is intercepted by Ren. The two lock blades, when the 'stranger' leans in towards Ren's face.

 The two lock blades, when the 'stranger' leans in towards Ren's face

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