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Ruby: C'mon, Jaune! You can do it!

Ruby cheers on as Jaune faces Cardin Winchester in a sparring match, during Glynda Goodwitch's class. Vergil is sat between Blake and Weiss, as they watch. Jaune barely parries a downward strike from Cardin's mace, the Executioner. His overwhelming strength forces Jaune to his knees, and Cardin stands over him with a mocking sneer.

Cardin: This is where you lose.

As Jaune struggles onto his feet, he shakes his head defiantly.

Jaune: Over my dead body.

Cardin responds with a heavy knee into his midsection, dropping Jaune to his side. He begins to raise his mace, until Goodwitch stops him.

Goodwitch: Mr. Winchester, that is enough!

With a grunt, Cardin goes to sit back in his seat, while Jaune grovels in pain.

Goodwitch: As you can see, Mr. Arc's aura has been dropped in to the red zone.

She points up to the screen, and a bar below Jaune's image is blinking red.

Goodwitch: In a tournament style duel, this would mean he is unable to continue battling. The official would end the match at this point.

She turns to Jaune while tapping on a small tablet and sighs.

Goodwitch: Mr. Arc, it's been weeks now. Please try to refer to your scroll during combat. Gauging your aura helps you to decide whether it's appropriate to be on offense or defense. After all, we wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a beowolf, would we?

Cardin: Tch, speak for your self...

She puts her tablet down, and faces the class. Vergil watches as Yang punches the air in anticipation, Weiss shakes her fists with a bright smile, and Ruby is vibrating with enthusiasm and squealing softly.

Goodwitch: Remember, everyone: the Vytal Festival is a few months away! It won't be long until students from other kingdoms start arriving here in Vale, so keep practicing! Those who choose to participate in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale!

The bell rings when she finishes speaking, and students begin to leave the room. As Vergil got up from his seat, he notices Pyrrha looking at Jaune, who is hanging his head in shame.


It is now lunch, and Vergil is sitting with RWBY and JNPR. Nora is telling a story, while Ren corrects every part of it.

Nora: There we were, in the middle of the night.

Ren: It was day.

Nora: We were surrounded by Ursai...

Ren: Beowolves.

Nora: Dozens of them!

She slams her hands onto the table, gaining the attention of Blake and Yang. Weiss on the other hand is ignoring her while filing her nails. Ruby, Vergil and Pyrrha are listening politely, as Jaune messes with his food.

Ren: Two of 'em.

Nora: But alas, they were no match for Ren and I...together we took them down, and made a boatload of lien selling Ursa skin rugs!

Groaning as he sets his cup down, Ren lays back on his seat.

Ren: She's been having this same dream for almost a month now.

Vergil: I truly am in awe at the fact that you're still sane.

Pyrrha looks over at Jaune, who is fumbling with his grub.

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