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The sun is starting to go down, and Blake begins to stir. As she groggily rubs her eyes, she glances around, and realizes the spot she's in. With her head on Vergil's lap, she turns dark red as she looks at his sleeping face.

Blake: He...looks so peaceful...

As she gazes at him, she subconsciously starts leaning up towards him with parted lips. But she stops herself, and sits up quickly.

Blake: W-what am I doing?! We've just barely met...

Vergil: It's better to not rush, you know.

Blake yelps as she falls backwards, while Vergil sits up and stretches.

Blake: H-h-how long have you been awake?

Vergil: About when you were talking to yourself.

With a groan of embarassment, Blake hides her face in her hands. Vergil reaches into his pocket and pulls out her bow.

Vergil: I believe this is yours.

She looks up from her hands, and takes her bow back.

Blake: Thank you...

Vergil: They are going to find out, one way or another.

Blake: Yeah...I know.

She ties the bow over her head, covering her cat ears. Vergil stands up and picks up Yamato.

Vergil: We should return to the dorms, it's getting dark. Also, I believe we'll be going to Forever Fall tomorrow.

Blake: Alright.

The two of them walk together back to the dorms, Vergil gets ready for their assignment at Forever Fall.


The next day, Vergil, JNPR, RWBY and CRDL are all gathered around the entrance of Forever Fall, with Professor Goodwitch leading them. Vergil looks around and admires the nature around them.

Goodwitch: Yes students, the forest of Forever Fall is beautiful. But we are not here to sight see. Professor Peach has asked for all of you to collect samples from the trees deep in this forest. I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so.

Everyone stops as they look around. Jaune, who is carrying a large crate with six jars on top, winds up bumping into Cardin. He scowls at Jaune, who whistles innocently.

Goodwitch: Each of you must gather one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay close to your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at 4 o'clock. Have fun!

Ruby and Yang grin at each other, and Vergil nods to Blake and Weiss. Jaune tries to sneak away, but Cardin catches him.

Cardin: C'mon, Jauney boy.

He and RDL drags him away, and Vergil glance over at them.

Vergil: Where are they going...

His thoughts get interrupted as he is approached by Blake and Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Is something the matter, Vergil?

Vergil: Ah, its nothing. Anyways, lets's collect those samples, shall we?

They both nod, and the three of them head towards the trees to collect the sap.


Vergil makes a gash into a large tree, and the sap starts leaking through the bark. He takes his jar to collect the sap. He then glances over at Blake, who is also collecting her own sample. Sighing, he goes to another big tree, and is about to cut into it when he hears screaming. He turns to see RDL running towards the group.

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