10K Special: Surprise Party

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Vergil: Why are we here?

Ruby: Because it's super hot, duh!

Pyrrha: Hehe, I think it's a wonderful place to be, given how hot this day is.

Weiss: Rrgh, can we just get going? I'm gonna start to melt...

During a blazing hot summer day, Ruby, Weiss and Pyrrha have taken Vergil to the beach, much to his disdain.

Vergil: I was doing perfectly fine in my dorm room.

Weiss: That's due to the fact that you have air conditioning that actually works!

Pyrrha giggles as she looks around. Crowds of people are scattered around the sands, couples are dashing into the waters, and families are building sand castles and other types of structures.

Pyrrha: There sure are a lot of people out here.

Vergil: So, where are Blake and Yang?

Ruby: Oh, they said they were gonna buy some stuff for us when we got back!

Pyrrha: Well, I'm just glad that you all allowed me to join you three.

Weiss: Of course we'd let you come with us, Pyrrha!

Ruby: Vergil would never leave you alone, right?

She looks over at Vergil with a playful smile, and the latter sighs while rubbing his neck.

Vergil: As soon as we get changed, I'm throwing you in the water.

Fear strikes Ruby's face as she chuckles nervously.

Ruby: E-ehehe, that's a good thing...right?

Vergil: That depends on the person.

The four of them head off as they change into appropriate outfits for the beach.


Now changed into midnight blue swimming trunks extended down to his knees, and followed by a jet-black tank top, Vergil stretches his arms while setting up their spot in the sand. Placing a couple of towels on the warm sand, he then impales a large umbrella into the sand next to them. He lays Yamato next to him as he sits back, gazing over the gleaming water. Right when he's about to close his eyes, he hears a familiar voice.

Pyrrha: We're back!

Glancing behind him, Vergil nods in approval as he looks at the three girls.

Glancing behind him, Vergil nods in approval as he looks at the three girls

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