RWBY 40: Brothers

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Trade blows with your remaining kin.






Devils Never Cry - HR Remix (The party can't end...right?)

With a singular clash between the two Sparda brothers, Haven Academy has been absolutely obliterated, the only surviving structure being the underground vault. Bodies were sent flying everywhere, allies and enemies alike. No one could have expected the magnitude of pressure the two would have been giving off until this very moment. Dante's playful laughter fills the air as he battles his elder twin sibling with glee.

Dante: Hahaha! Now this is the party I've been wanting!

With his twin pistols Ebony and Ivory in hand, the Legendary Demon Hunter leaps upwards and comes back down in a rapid spiral, raining down a storm of bullets right above Vergil, who trick dodges to his left and right several times, avoiding all contact.

Vergil: Pointless!

His hand on Yamato's grip, Vergil tricks vertically and slashes upwards at the same time, catching Dante's chest by a centimeter. To this, the Sparda responds with an aerial backflip and, now using his own gauntlet-greave combination weapon named Balrog, dives down with a Friction, kicking Vergil across the face. The Dark Slayer falls to the ground, but catches himself and pivots before slashing upwards to parry an overhand punch. Their impacts leave a shockwave each time, yet they don't lose their balance. Vergil flash equips the ghostly Mirage Edge, while Devil Sword Dante appears in Dante's hand. With similar styles of wielding the two weapons, the brothers swing at each other back and forth, only to meet at several stalemates. At the same time, few words are traded between them, as the sons of Sparda let their actions do the talking.

Meanwhile, the dwellers of Remnant are subject to watch their inhuman battle.

Cinder: Dammit, this wasn't part of the plan at all! That idiot can't follow simple orders!

The brunette notices Hazel leaving the area, or at least is attempting to.

Cinder: Hazel! Where the hell are you going?!

Hazel: I know an unwinnable battle when I see one, and I've already been more than humbled by Vergil once. Dante seems to be on his level, if not further. Salem brought this on herself. I don't plan on dying today.

With that, Hazel Rainart leaves the area where Haven Academy once stood. Cinder's blood boils with rage as she snaps at him.

Cinder: You damn traitor! You were incompetent from the start!

She then glared at Tyrian, as the scorpion faunus is quickly retreating.

Tyrian: I-I just remembered that our Queen had another assignment for me! Try not to die! Ahahahaha!

Cinder: Goddammit! I will see to it that you two are executed!

Shifting her fury-filled eyes at the brothers duking it out, Cinder comes up with a genius idea. Her hands catch fire with a violent blaze as she arms herself with two scimitars.

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